Tuesday, February 28, 2023

 feb 28 2023

i am thrilled -- there is a guy who is interested in the dog park concept... and i am getting soooooo many photos from across the country-- and sooooo much creativity... it is a challange...i would love to be on his committee... but i certainly do not want the responsibility.. i have enough with this challange of  making 100 people a week smile at my 3 dogs as they pat them...
fantastic ( aka mind blowing) discovery or realization... the people who run the senior drop in centers are delightfully cheerful... and the activities director is likewise--plus teh attendees  smile and pat away......... and then there are the nursing homes-- which we also go to.... the people who run those are fearful, and have a bunch of rules to which we must ( and do) adhere (rabies cert ) .....and the "inmates"  really really really smile.  so we have a good thing going... plus there are several  senior centers  who have "booked "me to speak ( aka rattle) as far away as april...  and are  thrilled to hear if they get stuck and someone doesn't  show i can be drafted with 5 minutes notice.
i take that "clients tale" to sit next to me  and all i have to do is glance at  it to start up  on another topic...  every job had a pequilar angle...
it works best if Judy comes along as my external hearing device--- otherwise i have to draft some kindly soul to repeat questions...
Judy is also an incredible  automatic talker--- it is like i wind her up before we go in-- especially alzheimer  patients who will ask things like "how fast can a rat fly?" over and over again.... it is also a perfect spot for Alexa-- actually Judy is one step better because she keeps answering and smiling... incredible... 

the whole thing is working....and expanding the local.  SDP reach.....something  the Cummings foundation  likes to consideer when issuing grants....
as is the ERN activities----like  wallace riding new horses and me going for a load of hay-- interesting the donkey camera seems to have more than 1/3 rd the number of viewers as the mail call camera...  and 40% are male.... very strange. --- constant contact who delivers this to emails has stats also which show 65% are over 65 years old..   i don't know how they know all these things... or why .. or who ... cares.

i am very protective of  our mailing lists-- and i know constant contact is also...

judy uncovered a book of old photos... it is tough to decide which o show when...
 seeing as i was just talking about holding reins trying to turn 8 horses.... i found a photo of me learning....note i am about to fall over extending the ''outside' lines..

Carlene White