Thursday, December 24, 2020

dec 24 2020

 2020 12 24

Training problem of the day---- at the trainers meeting the other day all 8 complained about capricious and how she really is having problem lying down and staying there that's really my fault 'cause I haven't worked with her---- she was e always the different puppy -- out of the two litters she was the one to be alone and just watch the others begging for food or whatever .... one of the reasons I wanted to keep her well I wanted to see what what that meant in the long term she is certainly very observant and very quick to learn to do things she wants to do she's also very hardheaded when she doesn't want to do it for example she learned the yuppy puppy very quickly but lying down in the staying there is not in her vocabulary yet so we're going to work on that today probably in the condo room which is warm and I can lock everybody else out which is also called on camera I think it's the nursery camera ...We don't teach our service dogs to sit specifically ..becausw weather in harness and somebody is holding on to them we really don't want them sitting down as a routine exercise as the rest of the service dog world does however in her case sitting here with cookies in my hand and not wanting to move too much I thought I'd teach her to sit on command to get the cookie the little bit Contra two are ordinary traiding procedures .. quite definitely she knows what I mean when I say said but she clearly says  “why can't I just have the cookie “ approach to life ---hopefully starting this morning   we're going to have to have an adjustment to her ..

I know it's dangerous for me to say I'm going to do something because there's 1000 people who will be checking up on me see whether I accomplished what I said I was going to do this can be a problem well I have problems but all I can say is I'm gonna work on it

I'm also working on our friend Gemini regarding the basket--- I think the problem is if somebody puts the basket on the table in the Hall he doesn't think he's supposed to get it off the table and comes running back and says I can't find it or is not there I don't know what's going on or whatever we put it on the floor he gets it every time it's interesting that he had I think that's the reason the fact it's up on the table near where the we keep cookies and I think he's been scolded for trying to get the cookies out of the jar so he figures he's not supposed to take things off the table I've got to play with that one and try and figure that out too he certainly learned very quickly not to chase the chickens


This business of telling you  CP’s what may be going to happen ..has its ups and downs ...the two puppy project has been put off till Saturday .. the fact that it's put off at all makes it in a little bit different probability but we go on


Some might find yesterday's logic problem amusing .. a cowboy  arrived in the driveway with a great big trailer—oklahoma plates....  and he got out his cell phone and said he was to pick up mule  and a donkey . Now the facts as I know  them ---- we have a bunch of donkeys that are ours and we have one mule bea  who is also ours unless I make an official change. I tried calling Janine but since she works offsite she's often on her telephone for long stretches of time .I couldn't get her --  But the cowboy had somebody's phone number in New Hampshire .. who he thought my be able to help .. turns out she knew about the project but didn't know where the animals were .

that left me with the two animals  that Janine had dropped off the night before .. that I had yet to go look at ------all I knew was the blonde one might be pregnant .

that was clue number one because it was obviously not a donkey I could see from the cameras and you could not have a pregnant mule ----it doesn't work that way -----being a hybrid between a horse and a donkey you can't breed mules .. let me rephrase that you could breed them but it doesn't work they don't get pregnant ... so that left me with the spotted animal which might be a mule but I still didn't have a donkey that I could give the guy .. so he started through his cell phone to find out what other things he knew and one was to pick up the donkey at a place where he should take a right hand turn at a stone house .. well that would be ann’s but I still was minus the mule so I asked him when he got these directions from Janine and it was two days ago well.....  the two days ago I still had that second  part partially blind mule .. but she had taken it out of here because camera    people were complaining it was kicking at my donkeys .. but I didn't know where she'd taken it ..

with referenced toi the stone house, I opted to lead the cowboy to ann’s  where we did find the mule with sight problems.... and a bunch of donkeys.    I finally got Janine on the phone and asked her which donkey and she simply said the wild one .. let narrowed it down so the cowboy went into the barn where these donkeys were and five of them came roaring out and one didn't come out at all and it was quite a while before the cowboy came out because he was pinned in the corner by this wild donkey ..

so he backed his trailer up to the barn which wasn't easy---   tied  one end of a 30 foot rope to the trailer and managed to get the other end the rope to the wild donkeys halterb  and then just stood back for awhile while that donkey ran around and around it around .. and finally the cowboy constantly shorten the rope to the trailer so the donkey was standing right behind the entrance to the trailer and the cowboy then just chased him in ..  he was experienced animal handler ..

I have his card .. apparently this is what he does for a living is ship animals around the United States---- he had a nice trailer it had a lot of miles on it just as there were  a lot of miles on him and he could back that trailer up  with great  precision .. I had a dozen eggs in the car so I gave him those as a special treat for doing such a good job ..

And I kept his card....-----Around here you just never know.....


That is the  best I could do for excitement...


   FY I --apparently constant contact has eliminated some emails in error and it's a little complicated as to getting them installed in the proper place so they get the daily doggy ..

so if any of you are having troubles I do post it on our website if you click on the coffee ----I prefer to have people read it in their email because then it goes into our pile of statistics which is helpful to know ---I will work on that today ---- it's not my favorite thing to do


Another favorite thing to do it is too deal with applying for another PPP loan getting the numbers ready for that episode they want specific numbers from 2019-2020 which will be find a dig out I don't know why I should complain they're offering to give us money  so I better do it .


Good evening, 


Hope everyone at SDP is doing well and is ready for the holidays! Since Tin and I have been together for almost two weeks now I wanted to send you guys an update. First off Tin is doing great and seems to be loving his new home! Tin and my pet dog Bailey get along so well and have so much fun playing outside together especially when it’s snows! In the back yard as soon as Tin sees snow he gets excited and his head drops to the ground and he licks the snow everywhere he goes. Tin and I are still learning each other and we learn new things about each other every day which is helping the bonding process. Tin and I are so happy together! He loves to work! Whenever he sees me get his harness, vest, or chain his tail starts wagging and you can just tell that he is excited for whatever is to come. Tin and I have been going out everyday since we’ve gotten home. Mainly to stores like Kroger, Costco, TJ Max and Doctors appointments. He does such an excellent job when we are out I am truly so proud of him for going through every store like a champ. This past Sunday Tin and My family went to our local zoo to see the Christmas lights (the zoo does an amazing job). Every since I was a little kid we have gone and every single time I would have to use my wheelchair but thanks to Tin I was able to walk the entire zoo (with taking only a couple short breaks)!!! He did so good!! There was a lot of people at the zoo and Tin did an amazing job and the amount of people never bothered him. He also did a great job with the animals he noticed them but as soon as I told him to leave it it was like the animal was no longer there. Tin is such a fantastic service dog (and dog) and I am so very grateful and thankful that SDP was able to bless me with this amazing match!! 


If you please forward this email to Carlene and Lynn that would be awesome!


Happy holidays to everyone at SDP


With Love,

Team Gabbey and Tin