ingrid is retired !!! ingrid as in disney,, all those blankets , and coats, and college friends who paint laundries.... please don't disappear -- and if you get hard pressed for something to organize... you are certainly welcome here !!!! ingrid is THE most organized person i know --- except maybe linda is on that same level....she sent us 343 coats all boxed and labeled with great accuracy..... i wish she would come here today and help me with this book-- i bet she couod whip it togethjer much easier than i can.
janice is doing a fantastic job... and i want to include3 challanges...
first sample regarding breeds of dogs... can you tell which dog is a dane and which is a jack russel?---
"bentley please come over here and sit on this taboggon
wanda please stand right here
ohiamsoexcitedtobeaskedtod somethihgandifijustgetmyfeetontherailiwilllooksomuchbigger
wanda put that foot down
howcaniput4feetonthegroundwhentheneighborstrashmanispickingupthir trash
opal just sit here
OK got it
wanda do not turn around
howcaninoturnaroundwhenicanheararoostercrowing... etc
second sample
Hewwo dewre Meesh Caween
and the third one... my computer has lost at the moment... it is a translation of the japanese
program about bella and george... thier description of things i found different and worth noting... i need to find it again
to maintain my sanity i think linda and i should spoend some time on her machine and
get this back to janice before mmy computer and i royally screw it up.
not the least of my problems is every time i enter and save things... it changes the numbered pages...
i tried to deal with the book while listning to the virus and the "floating petri dish" off californis
whqat no one seems to address is how contageorus it is before symptoms appear..
that concept reall;y upsets every applecartt.
activity of the day
10 : someone with 4 kids
12 : someone eolse with kids-- on a bus- probably more than 4 kids
unknown time a guy who used to show danes-- i am really excited to talk with him...
hopefully linda here== she wqas not y=esterday.
i swhold not tell you my invention because someone will make millions on irtt..l but i just don't hqave time to deal
re air travel and this virus....that thing that blows air at each poerson' , i am told goes thru all sorts of hipa filt4rws... so it would be your best shot at breathing nice air on a plane
now enter that face mask i wear every night for cpap--- pretty good mask and a 5 foot hose with an end that would fit over that thing that blows filtered air at each traveler on a plane.
one piece of duct tape to hold it in place and... it seems to me... that would be as good as you could get it for sitting in that petri dish
if you make a million on that ..i hope you share it with sdp////`
moving on....
Adventures of Goldy's Farm in Ipswich MA. Goldy is the Ghost Of the Lefthand Draw who brings adventures and miracles to farm. We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the welfare of community seniors and veterans with our rescued and repurposed animals.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
mar 7 2020