Wednesday, March 11, 2020

mar 11 20200
this virus... worst case in new york-- new rochelle-- causing them to swing a 1 mile circle  quarentine area from the center--  i know that center wel.l.. there is a macdonalds there- that macdonalds  is responsible for getting sdp on it's financial  feet in 2004-- until all of you took over in 2012.
i don't know what the world has against new rochelle, but the  last earthquake on the east coast was centered in new rochelle also...

the big conversation last nigh at teh directors meeting was.... if teh virus goes round, who will feed the dogs?  certainly a valid question...and i have to point out how we are totlaly dependent on  staff to  care for these animals-- the  board bought up teh question of being quarentined.... like new rochelle,..and i  think what wouold happen in our case is  -- any staff  would be quarantined on this property-  and we wouold live on pizza and chinese food for 2 weeks.
the people who stayed here would earn teh  extra income from those who could not stay...  i do  hope all of you will thik about that-  2 weeks of hRD LABOR AND EARN A CAR????? SOMEONE WOULD TAKE IT !!

I ALSO HAVE TO point out-- tht i have been pretty good  so far at solving one disaster at a time whether it is a horse in a well or 4 feet of snow.  we mange. and tho it looks good on paper to figure out what you wouold do  if xxxyyyzzz happenes, it has been my experience that if you expect xxxyyyzz  what will land on you  ishhssvvbb. all things being said...  we would need at least consider it.
training dogs-- we were beginning to have q problem with siz , bentley  and lead by chaos-- having a bit too much enthusiasm about barking at nyone in the front door... i yelled and got no where..... thn i took the ... if you cna't lick em , join em... and i now bark twice-- then say thank you to chaos and she st0psd.
one time there at the start, i barked twice then tossed a water bottle with pennies in it to startle her... and said thank you  for stopping.. this seems to be a conversation with her now... she does not get up, but will bartk twice   with me.....then look at me.. i stop, she stops... it is definitely a conversatgional bit.
i think all theyelling i had been doing just added to the excitemnet... and made matters worse.  now that chaos stops, sizzle seems to be taking her lead....and looks at me before continuing.

i had to stop them... these are big friendly dogs--and a friendly great dane can be  overwhelming too.  certainly wandering in with our cute little puppies ...( tht now weigh 70 pounds) is not to be taken lightly... their enthusiqsm can be overwhelming.
we have 5 washing machines on the  property--- none of them new... so at any time there may be one not functioning...   usually bud figures out what is the problem and fixes it.. but i am told we have a truely dead washer...appliance sale at costco  will use up that costco check whatever...
coupled to that... thanks to goldie. (our ghost of the lefthand drawer) home depot- just sent a message... "we have a community help divisionn... do you need a kitchen remodeled??"  who could say no??? we have only 2 working burners- and our "chef" said yesterday it was almost easier working in the guest house with it's actua l stove with 4 burners.  but he liked teh idea of camers-- so he will be herre on friday.and i said he could put up his little banner.
got  to be  out of here in 1/2 hour...some school again... there is ... apparelntuyly a demand for peoppel in alterntive occupationsd..
i have said that for a long time...