Wednesday, April 30, 2014

april 30 2014
it is perfectly normal for a  dried up paint brush to be hanging on a stethoscope over the pups...  it is a long story - it is attached to a rope which is attached to a chain which is attached to a big eyebolt  in a rafter......

long ago-- i had wall to wall  carpet- would you believe it--- one of my worser decisions---carpets collect.... in an effort to be able to vacuum under the dining room table,i put 4 big hooks in the roof and hung the dining table from  them-- it was a great idea --- it made the cutting of tough steak a little exciting- but to vacuum was a breeze.

then as we had pups on the floor and we old people began to step over the 18" fence  and catch a toe and trip-- chaos straightened us out quickly---
"do not lurch toward my children "
so it became a rule if you were going in with the pups hold the rope.
then we found even without the pups, the rope was a good thing to hold onto -- and it was right in front of the camera-- so when people wanted to see th ecolor of the proposed ppurple barn,  i had to hang the dried up paint brush in fon t of the camera-- we are usually short on s hooks-- but my husband's old stethoscope was in the vacinity-- it had ear hook kind of things.... it worked... 
hence the paintbrush on the stethoscope
what could be more normal??

so that became the test case for the dozens of ropes hanging around here--  people with disabilities find them much better than crutch or cane in the house... and people without ( recognizable) disabilities jus t hang onto them anyway...

as my husband aged... i found  by attaching bells to the bottom of the ropes i could tell where he was...

if it works..........
bud -- jack-- and i got 23 tons of  stone dust spread... i think i could use anotehr 12 tons today... for where the cars were all parked yesterday...
i have payroll to do-- theresa is out.
 keep the faith