Wednesday, April 2, 2014

april 2 2014
and after all that -- we have 4 lovely large male pups and a spectacular video... actually 2 videos which show the entire c section
hopefully pam will get them together ( we had dead battery   issue and had to use 2 cameras)   the file is too big to send in an email-- but i will try and get it on our web somehow today..

janine says "no problem"  to me... who can't even turn on my computer without  holding my breath....

i will put that to the test today  because i know all the thousands of people who were wanting to see the birth of the pups would probably be fascinated...

now as to why she needed a c section... 
she showed no signs of having any  contraction-- even after 3 pit shots that  should have caused sever contractions... she fell asleep...  
 the pups weighed 1pound 11 oz each -- which is huge--  i think i remjember 3/4 pound to 1pound 3 oz as normal

so it could be they were due thursday  and she just was not programmed to push them out...  so they grew....

i am glad we /george  made the decision we did....

because motherhood is not noel's strong point at the moment,,, we will be doing a little more baby sitting/wizzing.. with hopes she gets into motion as mom...

i am now going to dea l  withthe pups so pam can get the video spruced up-- 

for those of you who have always wondered..... the video leaves nothing  to your imagination... and george did such a great job  i thinik it will be a great learning bit..

and aside fom declining the motherhood tasks, noel seems to have come thru fine...