Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dd 11 14

I need help if we could have one volunteer be in charge of getting the dogs in and out of the pond another volunteer in charge of washing the windows maybe a third one to keep the coffee pot going we've been a lot better shape.... However we are in the shape we are in. Dealing with the constant picky problems like last night for some reason none of the dogs wanted to sleep in the box no it's not a box in the bed in the corner and lackey stood there in the middle of the floor explaining to me in a whiny tone that there was no place for him to lie down so I had to get up and rearrange the two that were already in the bed make room for him and then everybody went back to sleep.. I'm not sure whether there's some funny smell on that bed “A”or it's too close to the door whatever reason he wanted to lie down on the “other” bed .


Janine has left for the Carolinas because apparently her property there still has a bunch of fallen trees on it that have to be cleaned up at which point she's hoping to continue on to Florida to get a travel trailer um

I wish I could think of the name of the kind it's a well known kind it's the kind that all have numbers over there doors so they could all look each other up there's apparently one for sale in Florida and she thinks that she could use that as a permanent residence if there is such a thing for Janine as a permanent residence. Apparently somebody she knows from working around the myopia hunt is going to rent this building as soon as I can get out which is this can't come too soon... I already contacted the floor guy Steve nice family the whole family came and did the ICU building in one weekend and stayed on the property somewhere I've forgotten where and so they hopefully will do the same again and their only choice at the moment is the RV or that building that they already put the floor in the ICU...   I have no idea what shape it's in.. and I won't know apparently until January 1...   but I have bad vibes the property is supposed to be left as they found it and there's not one square foot on the property that's going to make that rule. hey hey hey stop it ----so be careful Good morning hello now Judy is on the phone so whoever she's talking to we're going to put on the in the daily doggie  


We do have one job to do today with just dogs and I have to try and figure it out because last time they wanted anything we had beside dogs a rather different request