Tuesday, October 3, 2023

 10 3 

We -- jj.-- had to ride the donkey trail and take the directional signs down... this locality is very fussy about that.... they have to be or the forest would be full of little orange signs... those people with the donkeys from Colorado were super nice – and we both learned a lot.... plus we sent Pockets ( mamouth jenny) back with them. She just did not get enough attention around here....and a bored donkey gets into too much trouble... like eating one of the barn walls at Meridith—half eaten barn walls around here is not all that noticeable. But Meridith is sooooo beautifully kept... it was seen....


I did close the " wall"  with 100% sold out( thank you all !!) so now we have to call on  a henny to drop her penny. and pick a winner... maybe today.. more likely tomorrow... we have been held up slightly by a very screwy internet problem....--- we (our lawyer shep...)had an email from the SDP lawyer---



apparently the Verizon account is still in SDP's name. See attached. This means SDP would be liable if Ms. White fails to pay the bill.  She has until 5 pm this afternoon to get the account (not just the billing party) in her name or the account will be cancelled. 

I am on a flexible schedule - so while it suits me to email now, please know that I do not expect a response or action outside of hours that are convenient for you.  

William H. Hulsey


Ms White has not failed to pay the bill... in more ways than one !!


What will they dream up next—to add just a little pressure and uncomfortable  atmosphere... the 5pm would have stopped mail. Call. Which is a favorite of our goldy watchers.... I would hate to interrupt it without an explination... so I sent out a quick note  to all the daily doggie readers about the possible screwup... and why...

Then nick came along and said that would not interrupt mail call off my cell phone—which  I do not understand—but I will run with it. Apparently it would affect the more permanent cameras.. like the donkey and driveway... 2 other favorites...

Basic result... just hang in. there we will. Get it straightened out – hopefully in about 2 weeks????????


You all are now getting a better picture of all the things I may not write about.. this lawyer is a constant threat  to me/us   with  some strange ideas... like I opened one  SDP envelope and he had me up for major first class mall fraud.and he offered to jail Janine for photograqphing a dog and accidently she photographed    just the handlers hand without permission.  ( while the person was banging on her car window calling her a F#$%^&* A $%%^&*) and the video got taped....with sound...

Some of you  have written about can not change  Verizon. business info  in  less than 30 days—and many have written  with  information about lawyer conduct and state offices.-------maybe if I have time. ----I have lotsa of questionable emails...


A slant to the pack burro racing I had not understood..... apparently  the funding for them in their usual Colorado environment is to “rent” a burro for races around the state..  which explains a lot..... it is a perfect episode for college kids...graduation present—whatever... lots of  fresh air and fun...


So if we are thinking of next year... we just need to get some burros behaving more steadily... which would be a perfect job for the veterans project—or my adult care center.... they just need handling more.... a burro that will climb a flight of stairs is an educated burro !!