oct 1 2023
wow whatta birthday yesterday and so far today,
2 packages from gold belly. 2 pies and a cake !
and then the goldys farm sell out. 100%.
wow. today - well probably tomorrow if we are not in jail. we will do the numbers thing with the chicken--w/r/t prizes...... for last month.. we were nearly organized.... except.....janine did get the prized framed picture of the donkey and dog sent off-- i was to send the 3 monkey fists to the winners and runners up... but i have misplaced them in the move... so i owe you 3 !!!!
i can continue to make them and dye them... but i ran into betsy(significant jewelery designer) who copied my favorite family hierloom... the donkey that hold the toothpicks ( or hearing aids) so i could ... when we sell out... offer a choice of monkey fists or that ?pewter? donkey... it is different !!
we are expected/. by us.... we did not telll cambridge we were coming.....at 11:00 to be set to run down memorial drive... i had hoped to be in a wheelchair-- and i may still be if i can find one.
so many happy birthdays and encouragements to keep going with entertaining the seniors... that is a wonderful suggestion... especially since i discovered even a chicken on a pillow is a big "lift" for people needing lifting...
where is my poem about lifters and leaners?????
now just to pass on an FYI of the day
speaking of leaning... and elders falling...... breaking things like hips and other bones....
i think i have discovered i am slower to note i am tipping -- or listing to port and the sailors lingo? This guest cabin has a shower- of course.... but it is about a 3 foot square shower... so the slightest tip becomes evident- my head hits the wall before i get beyond a 10 degree "tip" -- this is evident also in the "whoops" quick step to catch myself when not in a shower or having just tripped over the rug... just plain standing around. i gotta watch the tip meter.... i have been noting of late...
so my theory is that it may not be the trip and fall--- but the problem of not noticing you are no longer 100% vertical...
that is the best i can do for the FYI today... but if true it is " a whole new slant"?????