Friday, December 2, 2022

 dec 2 2022

4 people have now been buffallo'ed by " the chair? 

 when i sat in the demo model in the store... it was a normal 90- to 91 degree angle-- and being a recliner i knew it would tip back... so i assumed it would tip forward to the 90 degrees again... not true. painfully not true... judi jami and donna --- plus me.... not capable of working a recliner chair back to. that 90 degree sitting position...

that tells me a bunch of things i do not. want to hear. why should i be expected t work my phone if i can[t even work a chair????

to make matters worse... my phone had a 1/2 moon on the top line... how was i to know it was the sign for " do not disturb"--and i don't know how that got that way-- nor could. judy figure out. how to get rid of it---- then all of a sudden the moon was gone---

Both times I said to Judy would you please put that online the fact that you couldn 't work the chair and you couldn't get rid of the other phone thing before everybody blames my age on the fact I can't even sit in the chair or work the phone.. I can still do the suduko extremes.. fat lot of good that'll do me.


Somebody in Hamilton moved their horses down South for the winter and has an extra 100 bales of hay which sounds good to me so mark and I are gonna go and try and collect it. Where.  neither mark nor I could lift one Bale of hay let alone 100 so I'm hoping somebody is around to maybe make two trips out of it.. I'm really good at dumping it Meredith for somebody else to deal with it .


 it is in a barn which  has been in my lifetime an extremely fancy horse establishment owned by a woman who drove a foreign hand no that's a four that's right 4 in hand- horse hitch very well enough to compete in Europe with them---- just think fly them over with the carriage..and back again !!   I'm also told that in the process of getting these horses ready to compete she nearly drowned herself and her mother-in-law in a swamp when the horses decided to run away the horses and the mother-in-law all survived very well but the story is still around. Driving horses is not for the meek. Sometimes you have no more control than to say “please don't do that”.. and your destiny is left to two animals in the front whose combined IQ is maybe 37.


that's why I drove donkeys... my donkeys ran away once in the topsfield fair parade it's very embarrassing---- I too had no control except after they went about 20 feet the front ones stopped and said “why are we doing this.?”... and tiptoed back on to the street and wandered on Never to do it again..


as opposed to a horse---if a horse has run once they definitely will again making them quite dangerous. I think it was George Bush senior who passed some law which allows horse  owners put up a sign that says if you get involved with horses it's your own damn fault and don't even think of suing anybody---- we have a sign like that posted somewhere I think it was George Bush senior.


Just to bring you up to speed in the kitty litter. And  horse  manure. department again---- those pellets that I had on the kitchen counter where I experimented dampening some let's see what would happen----they're sold by tractor supply as bedding and Matt reported that they are still doing a super job in the stalls because the hay doesn't get churned up in them and the Manure is much easier to pick out of the pellets than it is in the normal what I've always used--- shavings..


Moving on....