by 1/16th of an inch... it looks like we are all rain--- i think it ustabee... called torrential rain... as in liquid blizzard???? i think all equines under my care have access to shelter of some kind... so if we put some hay in that shelter i can call them fed-- for the storm... out in the wild.... they will back up to a big tree as a windbreaker.....we have some juggling-- there was the usual concern for our lady mini donkey and the 2 new. temp visitors ... i hope she remembered the broadway song about." remember it is he who has the fun ... and thee the baby"- these apparently belong to someone further up ht line of "rescue" and the just needed a few nights place to park them...
i know that two of the "truckers" are veterans with the great business of schlepping things and animals around the country...with a sequoia typoe vehicle- that willing ly pulls trailers... they have the van set up for their "living/sleeping" one guy.. ? john? brought the 2 pups from florida very nicely... slept here for a few hours and was gone across country... great business... i know ERN is really a network of like souls.... at the moment there is a mule at somebody's farm where this ERN paid for the farm to put up a "run-in. shed". for their uas and anyone else in the Network.. there is another person... who watches the auctions and is pretty good at spotting a horse/mule/donkey who would fit in a specific program. and is trusted to buy it... on ocassion... it is for that reason i must today get the tire fixed on the horse trailer. because it is needed for this network of schlepping somethng somewhere... i do not know how they keep it straight. -----another unknown... there has been ocasion where they buy a horse or pony, that is in such terrible shape with broken things that they immediately euthanize it to spare it falling in those terrible trucks to mexico... now that is a rescue in my book.... a "softer landing"
on tv overnight was the map of the states that do not allow "state computers??? to run tiktok,,, i may not have that quite right- concept is vaLID.. N.H WAS ONE OF THEM--- COME ON MASSACHUSETTS... full masking seems to be sneaking back on the population around massachusetts----