Friday, December 3, 2021

decv3 2021

it worked !!!!!

brainstorming must never be called negative........ must be ideas knocking others whack o ideas... they might  stimulate some other  realistic one.

Sometimes it takes awhile------- of avoiding topics regarding payroll in the dd.....well
 there is certainly one thing that was very different back when I started this in 2003 that was I never paid minimum wage. I paid much more than minimum minimum wage and had so many fewer problems --- people were happier with their job regardless of what it was and life was so much easier minus the negativism that abounds in all of society today not just us although we have our problems .. let's think.if supervisor "A". is doing a fantastic job should i keep thinking well we should give her more money and then I thought very carefully last night at 2:00 AM-------- I bet if I asked supervisor "A".  if she would rather have a raise.   or give two of the staff people a significant raise thus making them more reliable more cheerful +a lot of other things I bet she would choose to have the staff get the raise... so in a position I'm trying to come up with an optimum staff situation we must figure are fewer better paid better than more at  even close to minimum wage----- the point is clear

for instance-----we have many nurses working here for the minimum wage because that's what we've been paying------- they are terrific they deserve more and they put things back ----Can you imagine----- putting anything back where it belongs---- so there's a that bonus value in hiring nurses and to be fair they need to be paid more since  they behave better and they certainly do ------they are rarely late they're very well trained not only in nursing but in peoplehood..
that's another thing I find around here is that someone who likes their job is ten 15.  20 minutes early.... people who are negative down in the dumps in a bad mood things like that they show up 10 minutes late and they still need a cup of coffee before they get operational-------

Way back...... 2003-2010.  I ran around here  by myself....feeding watering the place was not as spotless... but everybody was alive and well... and there.  stil ws time to think of weird improvements ... like  sleeping upstairs in lofts made with the lumber out of the partridge berry place construction site.   First designed with cardboard from Costco toilet paper piles.  So now I don’t run... I don’t even crawl.... I ride around in my heated car and wonder things.

I have--- in the past – like 5 year.  ago.. became fascinated with how much time it took to cleqn one kennel....  and bought that back pack vacuum cleaner I saw being used in mass general.... in stead of casually decideing it took   13 to 18 minutes to clean one kennel. I should have been timing the minium amt of time.. and then finding a person who would keep to that  schedule... instead of the person who figured “I have 18 min.. I may as well take 24”.

When Janine was younger--- college age---I seemed to have a good supply of kids wh o would stay up all night studying.. who then figured to be paid at the sme time was a bonus....  where are those kids now..??  maybe I have not looked the right places....

All right. so I would like to  try and pay more— and expect more vim and vigor on the  job... even walking faster would help

I have had tremendous experience at  asking a doctor to change a light bulb.....” carlene get me the ladder and   hold it so I can change the light bulb.”

Yup !  .... nope!!!!

computer problems----- yestrrday i could not get the dd to print on the web site.... i will try again...
 and many people had problems buying a chicken brick-- i managed to enter a few for quick picks. but that shatupon "table" is in trouble too.
..i have called for a computer fixer. but don't hold your breath???? 

there's another.....payroll concept.... if i could hire someone and be guarenteeded of a perfectly functioning computer every day.....i would hire them immediately .... william??? where are you???