Monday, December 27, 2021

big rushing...

cici doinfg greqt... deckided to be a mom.....loves the room service involved....
and teh beef and chicken skewers left over from some big deal....

my next nearly worst problem... heater on my car died...

now for me ... that is real trouble. i live in the thing....

got to get it in theimorning 8am and it is on an icy hill
above that tree with all the dents fromme sliding into it whaen it is icy....
plus. ynn is sick-
other thqan that.......  
but i am in daily double time 


 I awlmosht gotz it feexed! Kin u pweeze pash me
 da sqwewie dwibewr? Howld dat wight dewr, otay? ~