Monday, December 6, 2021

 dec 6 2021

strange blog action.  but we made it

long ago..  all you camera people ... got on the bandwagon and sent us all your old glasses.....  i can not tell you how many people you have helped with those... 
currently me.... it started with someone standing in my living rom saying  "i would love to donate,  but i left my glasses home."   
 i was determined not to have that happen again so i asked you all to send me all those old glasses yo outgrew 14 years ago..
boy did we get them.-------2 bushel baskets full...---- finally collected the  bunch.. some new reading... ... lots of prescriptions--  eventually i gave most to the lions club who had some provision for distributing them.. and saved. a large shoebox full for. our volunteers etdc... and now me.
i hope you all realize. there are 2 companies who have publiclly stated  "we can put her out of business".  these people have generated some really creative and upsetting internet
notices ever since they moved in.........where i am guilty of all kinds of things-- just bent on upsetting us.. so take anything  out there with a grain of salt..   i think we are in good shape... granted we don't have a 5 million dollar capital fund-- but if any of you want to fix that-- please go right ahead.. and we could stand a few more pupppies... tho cee cee will hopefully help us with that.  in a couple weeks......
 every movie out has to have the  "no animals were hurt in the  filming of this movie" if you were about to invest 5 million in a movie, would you take the slightest chance on an animal handler  being abusive of animal?   -- and the humaine society has watched me from loading at the farm to returning and never had any question.
the last humaine guy said  "just watch her animals around her.. they are not afraid of her."    other than setting fire to a box of cockroaches i got out of some restaurant my record is perfect.... and i think  moviemakers chose me    because of that. -- also i had a record of being on time. with the correct animal. 

just to be technically correct so.    facebookers  don't  develope some other yarn....
a usda inspector did complain about not vacuuming the window ledge of the chicken coop( years  ago when kennel 3 was a grain room). --and. lately.   there was one who said i should put  ID chips in my goats.... in case they got loose........

 r est assured for years.... for towns around....i am the first person the fire and police call when there is an identified animal loose--- i have caught many horses for the fire department  for years...   i once--- at 2am----- stuffed a pony in the back of an ipswich cruiser--------- getting a bit old for that now.

fyi--- and just to make this educational--- a trick of mine that sometimes works with a horse -- if you have nothing else.... is to rub your extended  hands togethe -- makes a soiund teh horses think is grain.. in you r extended hands---giving you the split second to get a rope around them,...