Sunday, November 29, 2020

nov 29 2020 sci ed

i was all set to discuss changint the education of  our 10 year olds.... and almost got distracted  by fear marketing.
2020 11 29
And I still have to make an effort .  I don't know who in history decided that high school kids would be much better educated if they took Latin ----the excuse given to me was it would help with spelling and vocabulary to know the history and the root of many of the words we use ..  well I'd like to make it quite clear that it didn't help my spelling and  my vocabulary was not something I learned in Latin class .. 

 however ---not a day goes by that I don't use arithmetic geometry and physics ..  even from a very young age----- but that was never pointed out to me on a more practical level .. so although I wouldn't spend a year teaching a fourth grader algebra .. I do think there are some points of wisdom that should be planted at a very early age by someone who doesn't stand there and say oh I never understood algebra anyway
 well more people do than they realize .. but the presentation is wrong.

if you told a kid that a candy bar was $0.25    even at a very young age you could say how much would three of them be and that kid would know right away $0.75--- the right there you have not only algebra 3X equaling  Y..  but you have the decimal system 3/4 equals   .75 
I have to put arithmetic somewhat the same level as spelling 2 + 2 has to equal 4 ..  there are some basics you have to know---- I before E except after C or when sounded as a as in neighbor or weigh ---  things like that
Then scientists decided to teach science.......they get bent out of shape teaching new base systems because our base system of 10 started because we have 10 fingers  but we already know other base systems-----   we just don't label it as such .. the simplest his feet and inches 5 foot 2 is     is 5 times 12 .... +2 ..  and if you're measuring horses it's hands which is 4 inches so a horse that's 16.2   is 16 times 4 +2 .. ?? pounds and ounces  gets really screwy with a decimal on some scales.. 
Hardly any of the math science I had through high school any rate ever related to the real world ..
geometry ??  tripods don't wobble ever and the reason is because three points form one an only one plane or flat surface.. thr geometry rule... 3 points form a plane,,that's ridiculous  3 legs can be made sturdy on any kind of ground as opposed to a four legged table which constantly has to have something slid under one leg to stop it from wobbling ------ some farmer figured that out long ago when he made a stool to sit on when he milked the cow  and that stool had  only three legs.
To ask a grade school kid to make a list of all the triangles they see in their life is  a reasonable thing to do ,,  so why do we see triangles  ?  Because a triangle is a fixed shape that doesn't wobble    a  frequent  example   any kid would see is basically the shape of a coat hanger... the old wire coat hanger is basically triangular .. as are the wwwwww shapes under a lot of highway  bridges or  library shelving...  
 Then physics-my favorite syphoning --  fun with straws and water... is not too messy...   .   Lifting water with a straw...  or the advanced class of toilet flushing...
Problem is  the physics books may discuss an “inclined plane”   when in fact they  are talking about a  simple screw..  GRT EM YOUNG TRTAIN EM EARLY  BY  PLANTING A FEW SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES THAT  READILY AVAILABLE AND ARE EASILY UNDERSTOOD BY YOUNG KIDS... THEM MAYBE WE WOULD HAVE JUST A FEW MORE SCIENTIFICALLY ASTUTE  COLLEGE GRADS..  there is a whole age group ( about my age  )  which  was carefully taught to fear science / math as just weird and unknown...  ..  then it went overboard with  trying to multiply numbers in the base 14...  somewhere we shold start with the very practical.....
I SUFFER  -- TRYING TO DESCRIBE  to college  age  kids....     IF BOARD “A” IS LEVEL, THE A BOARD    that measure equally  4 foot above it is also level..... or... don’t try and pick something straight up.. with a BOArd and a rock, you can simply use yoru foot to lift a post out of a hole.  Never thought of it???? 
.....I came  I saw  I conquered.     We need more “sawing”..
there are some CLEVER COSTCO SPAMS    out there    involving the costco charge card.... and free give aways  if only you will pay the4 postage... with your card... 

speaking of postage on doggie bag things.... like monkey fists....     we had to try and  include  aprox postage  in the prices of things.. because postage is not free.... it is darn expensive
 so our $5 item is now $6  because mailing it is  $1.08.

now if anyone is wild enough   to buy that monster monkey fist for the posted    $5000,, we will include teh freight  on that one !!!   ( it is heavy !!)