Adventures of Goldy's Farm in Ipswich MA. Goldy is the Ghost Of the Lefthand Draw who brings adventures and miracles to farm. We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the welfare of community seniors and veterans with our rescued and repurposed animals.
Monday, November 30, 2020
NOV 30 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
nov 29 2020 sci ed
i was all set to discuss changint the education of our 10 year olds.... and almost got distracted by fear marketing. 2020 11 29 And I still have to make an effort . I don't know who in history decided that high school kids would be much better educated if they took Latin ----the excuse given to me was it would help with spelling and vocabulary to know the history and the root of many of the words we use .. well I'd like to make it quite clear that it didn't help my spelling and my vocabulary was not something I learned in Latin class .. however ---not a day goes by that I don't use arithmetic geometry and physics .. even from a very young age----- but that was never pointed out to me on a more practical level .. so although I wouldn't spend a year teaching a fourth grader algebra .. I do think there are some points of wisdom that should be planted at a very early age by someone who doesn't stand there and say oh I never understood algebra anyway well more people do than they realize .. but the presentation is wrong. if you told a kid that a candy bar was $0.25 even at a very young age you could say how much would three of them be and that kid would know right away $0.75--- the right there you have not only algebra 3X equaling Y.. but you have the decimal system 3/4 equals .75 I have to put arithmetic somewhat the same level as spelling 2 + 2 has to equal 4 .. there are some basics you have to know---- I before E except after C or when sounded as a as in neighbor or weigh --- things like that Then scientists decided to teach science.......they get bent out of shape teaching new base systems because our base system of 10 started because we have 10 fingers but we already know other base systems----- we just don't label it as such .. the simplest his feet and inches 5 foot 2 is is 5 times 12 .... +2 .. and if you're measuring horses it's hands which is 4 inches so a horse that's 16.2 is 16 times 4 +2 .. ?? pounds and ounces gets really screwy with a decimal on some scales.. Hardly any of the math science I had through high school any rate ever related to the real world .. geometry ?? tripods don't wobble ever and the reason is because three points form one an only one plane or flat surface.. thr geometry rule... 3 points form a plane,,that's ridiculous 3 legs can be made sturdy on any kind of ground as opposed to a four legged table which constantly has to have something slid under one leg to stop it from wobbling ------ some farmer figured that out long ago when he made a stool to sit on when he milked the cow and that stool had only three legs. To ask a grade school kid to make a list of all the triangles they see in their life is a reasonable thing to do ,, so why do we see triangles ? Because a triangle is a fixed shape that doesn't wobble a frequent example any kid would see is basically the shape of a coat hanger... the old wire coat hanger is basically triangular .. as are the wwwwww shapes under a lot of highway bridges or library shelving... Then physics-my favorite syphoning -- fun with straws and water... is not too messy... . Lifting water with a straw... or the advanced class of toilet flushing... Problem is the physics books may discuss an “inclined plane” when in fact they are talking about a simple screw.. GRT EM YOUNG TRTAIN EM EARLY BY PLANTING A FEW SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES THAT READILY AVAILABLE AND ARE EASILY UNDERSTOOD BY YOUNG KIDS... THEM MAYBE WE WOULD HAVE JUST A FEW MORE SCIENTIFICALLY ASTUTE COLLEGE GRADS.. there is a whole age group ( about my age ) which was carefully taught to fear science / math as just weird and unknown... .. then it went overboard with trying to multiply numbers in the base 14... somewhere we shold start with the very practical..... I SUFFER -- TRYING TO DESCRIBE to college age kids.... IF BOARD “A” IS LEVEL, THE A BOARD that measure equally 4 foot above it is also level..... or... don’t try and pick something straight up.. with a BOArd and a rock, you can simply use yoru foot to lift a post out of a hole. Never thought of it???? .....I came I saw I conquered. We need more “sawing”.. ------ there are some CLEVER COSTCO SPAMS out there involving the costco charge card.... and free give aways if only you will pay the4 postage... with your card... -- speaking of postage on doggie bag things.... like monkey fists.... we had to try and include aprox postage in the prices of things.. because postage is not free.... it is darn expensive so our $5 item is now $6 because mailing it is $1.08. now if anyone is wild enough to buy that monster monkey fist for the posted $5000,, we will include teh freight on that one !!! ( it is heavy !!) |
Saturday, November 28, 2020
20 11 28
Friday, November 27, 2020
nov 27 2020 ERE
thanksgiving?? we thanked and made it. having zoomed the family from north carolina to texas to calif and colorado... I WAS ONCE AGAIN REMINDED THAT THE SUN GOES OVER T HE MIZZON MAST AT 8 AM IN TEXAS -- CRAZY TEXANS -- NOT ONLY FOR THE CAMERA PEOPLE CRAZY TEXANS BUT MY RELATIVES.... GOT A RUNNING ASTART ON OUR ZOOM AT 11... .. zooming beats airoporting even WITHOUT COV INFLUENCE.... with the help of the chef, and bbq chickens from the market 11 people ate here and 2 family size leftovers WENT HOME TO OTHERS... mean we still have some full dinner collections in the t tent for anyone here today... the pearl onions with velveta cheeze were a HUGE SUCCESS ( AN UNKNOWN REALLY EASY DISH).. MY KIND OF RECIPIE----- BOTTLED ONIONS HUNK OF CHEESE AND SHOVE IN OVEN TIL CHEESE MELTS. SO THAT IS YOUR GEM OF WISDOM FOR THE DAY,..... BLACK FRIDAY - NO ONE LINED UP AT 12:01.. THAT I KNEW OF.. EARLENE-- OUR ORIGIONAL PUPPY BIRTHING VOLUNTEER WAS OUR BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALIST...I DID HEAR "DON'T GO TO THE STORES,, SHOP ONLINE" OK...... WE HAVE AN ONLOINE STORE THE DOGGIE BAG.. SO TODAYS BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL IS A 2" MONKEY FIST WITH A SOLID BRASS SNAP FOR $14 AND WE ASK Y OU TO ADD A FEW $$ POSTAGE BECAUSE IT GOT TOO COMPLICATED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO PUT THAT IN THE DOGGIE BAG SHOPPING CART CALCULATIONS. ACCORDING TO LINDA POSTAGE VARIES FROM $2 TO $12 WITH WEIGHT AND ZIP CODES... IT WAS TOO M UCH EFFORT. JUST ADD SOME $$$ AND THE REST CAN GO IN THE SWEAR BEAR. --- BACK TO MY TRASH COLLECTOR -- AND THE WORLD OF PEOPLE " DOWN THE LINE" BEHIND ALL THOSE WITH TITLES AND DEGREES.... THERE IS ONE THING THAT HOLDS A GREAT DEAL OF WEIGHT --- AT LEAST TO ME.... IN THE JOBS WORLD... THAT IS RELIABILITY.. COUPLE THAT WITH THE NEW TITLE GIVEN MANY OF THESE PEOPLE "ESSENTIAL"... SO RELAIBLITY AND EFFORT SHOULD BE A TITLE THEY CAN PUT AFTER THIER NAMES..-----. xxxxxxxxx yyyyyy , ERE----- for the essential, relaaBLE AND EFFORT... in the same vein as teh class valedictorian in a class of one.... animal episodes was new england's premier provider of animals for movies, commercials....we had a good reputation.. only becayse everyone else was worse.... i did hear once " she will at least show up on time with the correct animal" that was enough of a compliment to keep us in busniess for ?25 years???? spmetimes you can see animal episodes in the "credits". i never worried about htat.... i just cashed the check. -- 2020 11 27 the night report of noise and who was outside thir kennels???? there was on e night ladst month t when there was significant noise..... carefully documented by camera person lynne. At 3:38 am something happened... horses whinnied donkeys snorted and dogs barked for about an hour. The rest of the month lynne documents dog that were outside [peeing and quiet... geese homnking the roosters ,, donkeys banging buckets and all quiet.. just that one night... I think the written report of Lind could probably be backed up but the actual visual which I'm sure is saved on some cloud or another of months of absolutely quiet until something happens to set off the whole barn it's my contention and we have videos to prove the cats come and go that's feral cats house cats and probably Fisher Cats we have owls that swing into the barn to pick up a rat For dinner at 2:00 AM ... And then we have just plain neighborhood noise people leaving for the airport at three or four in the morning or two people slightly inebriated proceeding to fight with each other at the state boat ramp there are other dogs in the neighborhood but generally speaking we have 30 days of dogs were quiet dogs were quiet dogs are quiet . our dogs are happy well exercised well trained well cared for and don't do that frustrated bark of "please come help me I'm locked in this cage ." . they just don't do that --but dogs have the reputation for being frustrated in cages .. and we are suffering with the neighbors because of that reputation I don't think we're guilty .. and I don't think we could care for them any better .. also I was here long before they moved in next door and I used to have an awful lot more animals then the 50 or 60 great Danes I now have .. at one point I did count 150 animals I have to admit there were a lot of birds . which reminds me we go again I used to get calls for white doves for various reasons ---throwing them up in the air at weddings or something whatever .. and just so you know those aren't doves that people are tossing up in the air because if you toss a dove up in the air 9 times out of 10 it flutters on down to the ground and walks around .. so those things that people are throwing up in the air are white pigeons .. and there are people well there certainly was a Mr Scott who raised white pigeons .. white homing pigeons .. so for a couple $100 he would let me go into his chicken coop gather up a cage or two full of white pigeons which I then would take some place and throw 'em all up the air they go back to Mr Scott's .. Mr Scott was very old even by my standards . and he was very happy to have me rent his pigeons .. he knew his pigeons . except for the day .. I had a call from the Loudon race track where they race cars---- it was to be opening day and they wanted in the ceremony to have a whole bunch of what they thought were white doves thrown up in the air and let fly of off .. so we rigged my son in law's pickup truck with the cap on the back we collected a whole bunch of Mr Scott's white pigeons and he went off to Loudon racetrack where he got in front of all the cars to lead them to the track . it just so happens that my brother in law was here at the time with his Cessna plane .. so he and I flew up in the plane to watch this happen and we were flying around and around the racetrack azran my son in law pulled out onto the track with all the cars open the back of his truck and the pigeons all flew off it was all wonderful .. and we all came home .. I say we came home ----those pigeons did not all make it home .. a bunch of them decided they liked the atmosphere around Loudon NH and they just stayed there .... so there were some people who lived there who never could figure out why Loudon had so many white pigeons .. they didn't know about Mr Scott's pigeons that didn't quite come home... but not all of 'em --Loudon has to this day an extraordinary number of pigeons that are white . I've no cut and paste everybody was too busy eating Turkey yesterday on we go Carlene White CARLENE HAS A DEFICTIVE LEFT PINKY FINGER WHICh CAUSES RAndom caps lock |
Thursday, November 26, 2020
nov 26 2020 t day car
2020 11 26
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
nov 25 2020
three eighth of an inch aka 3/8"-- i am sure in this worl therr are thousands of dangerous 3/8" things... however let me share one with you just in case.....
2020 11 25 ( thei dictyated part)
Back when I was younger and could bend over and tie my shoes easilly I wore New Balance sneakers for years---I used to buy two or three pair every year at the New Balance factory outlet which is in Lawrence MA and since I'm sure you all want to go there it's under the Clock tower easy to find they used to sell them the regex or seconds for $10 a pair where the 1st or whatever we're often 80…90 a $100 a pair so I was in the $10 variety and they worked beautifully for probably 10 years 15 years whatever .. Then they came up with the new design I think they call them walking shoes or they gave him a name whatever and it had a slightly bigger heel it was decidedly rounded and stuck out behind your heel 3/8 of an inch ..Fast forward several years and I became addicted to strikers they don't need tying ---I didn't realize I had a pair of those brand new New Balance in the back of my closet along with several mice--- brand new (the shoes not the mice) a)nd figured I'd wear them . I didn't realize that my subconscious was so sharply in tune to 3/8 of an inch until I started to go down the cellar stairs that heal sticking out the 3/8 of an inch caught on the step if I'd had on strikers I would have cleared it but that 3/8 of an inch very nearly put me down the cellar stairs … if it hadn't been for the ridiculous laundry chute that almost
Prevents even a normal sized person from getting it up and down the cellar stairs I would have fallen badly .. so I put them on the the free bench with a warning and within hours they were gone .. hopefully to a younger person whose life is more in tune with 3/4 of an inch ..
There are so many things we just do without thinking … and as frightening as that is -- we don't really think about it until something like that 3/8 inch becomes a problem
now with the cova here I'm paying more attention to my mouth and nose .. and I have noticed something different in the last six months .. I don't know whether it should be recorded but usually when I sneeze it's just one kerchoo .. but in the last six months it's two sneezes in one ---in other words it's ker Choo Choo .
I don't know whether medical science should write that down but it's definitely something that's new since this virus struck .--- Maybe we should apply for a grant to try and figure out the second Choo.. Lord knows there are studies made which have less utilization ..
every night at Mail call we get a letter from Jan which includes three poo pickers with sayings on the back very often Snapple facts .. and for the life of me I cannot see any purpose in any of those facts .. one of the latest was the little animal that produces poos that are cubic not round … So of course there are people or someone who made a great study of the muscles of the rectum of this animal which I've forgotten the name of .. it's a little mousy rat thing probably from Australia that's where they have all sorts of strange things .
moving on –
to this chevy van This Chevy van that was given to us is a nice vehicle .. it has only 90,000 miles on it which is not much for a utility vehicle .. and it certainly would enable us to have two trainers two dogs one trip .. or eight or nine puppies go to the fairgrounds for a run around … which I used to do all the time .
somehow all my puppies always stayed together they got back in the car or van without any problem and I don't ever remember having to chase one to get it back in .. that spoon feeding of the group ---there is more to that than meets the eye ..
As for the two trainers two dogs … I could try that again but it was not historically been very successful because it may cut the gas expense in half .. it quadrupled the time involved as two trainers two dogs we're gone for four hours . Experience does come from bad experiences .
to get that van ready --- the back of it is full of metal shelving the whole tools etc .. and those shells have sharp edges , so I either have to take them out or cover them with the wonderful moving blankets that we do have around here someplace …
just to prove how educated we all are ----I must cut and paste the return I got for saying -- who said... “ there is many a slip twixt Cup and lip “
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
NOV 24 2020
2020 11 24
but now there is paper report and the chief of the fire Department told me I was not to use the chimney because my insurance would be no good well that sounds serious this little cheek of masonary that is gone is still about 2 feet of fieldstone -- away from anything burnable .. doesn't matter --- the piece of paper says I must not use the fireplace until I get that fixed and they don't just replace the little chunk of masonary I now have to put in a stainless steel liner inside this massive collection of fieldstone .. which I called two people too 2 2 chimney fixers and both gave an estimate of about $5000 and then they disappeared having charged me $269 to come and inspect it ..
I tried to get them back to fix it with many phone calls it didn't help so I tried another off the Internet And they came for an extra $200 on a Saturday and inspected it and told me I needed $10,000 worth of repair .. before I could use my chimney Furthermore they wanted 1/3 down 1/3 when they arrived with the parts and 1/3 at the completion .. that meant I would have given them $6000 tord finishing a job which they hadn't really even started yet and meant they could just disappear .. so I went to a local fire Department chief and he said he'd never heard of this company even though they're in the next town he said he suggested I try the Better Business Bureau .
so I will back the Internet and picked out one that had a BBB logo they are due to arrive here on Wednesday I don't know which Wednesday but they charge $269 for the inspection .. looking back not 10 months alltrack book I found a 269 check to one of the first chimney fixers but chimney fixer #3 or is it 4 said they were not related to whoever I already paid $269 to ..
point being my fireplace and the use thereof is now controlled by paper pushers probably in Hartford CT when for 30 years we've been doing very well was giving a fire extinguisher to Janine and putting her up on the roof . only problem there is the fire Department remembers that episode ..
To be continued .
And I know I must not tempt fate of having a real roof fire.
Monday, November 23, 2020
NOV 23 2020 COV