2 lovely pups have arrived- happy, cheerful, realtively clean.
and we were handled with proficiency by the various people
at the cost of 12 calendars-- whatever works..
everfy trip we learn someting....
tehre was another dog crate on the plane-- a german shephard
the guy picking him up gopt him faster than we did because he hired some "agent"
who could do the paperwork without going to boston or terminal "E" fo r the stamp.
got to look into that...
usually the pups have some evidence of having been watered..
plastic bottle strapped to the crate and water dish hooked to the door.the dish had no evidence of being used in flight---- i have a feeling this was not done becuase they were very thirsty when tehy arrived-- and had very strong smelling urine-- like VERY STRONG.. which now 12 hours later seems normal. nice pups! -- thank you barbara( german kennel)
they are only slightly bigger than the pups we have...
so they should fit in nicely - we call let them settle for a few days befor we start the mixing.
if all goes well that should be 2 more people who will b e walking in 2021
we are very short puppies-- and no one seems worried but me... mommy nature gave us a whammy with
none of our females coming in heat this spring...
ok... next problem.... our applicaton process...
do you work? do you drive ? do you volunteer? got to have some yesses in there somewhere... our dogs are not capab;le of sitting around doing nothing... we say we like to have people out in the community doing something 3 or 4 hours a day.
somewhere in here i could put teh unemployment concept---
just because you had to give up running marathons does not mean you are incapalble of the rest of life.
i know there is a job for someone who sits and watches commercials to be sure they are shown in the correct time period 100% without seconds clipped off the end... lord knows if more "challanged " people would answer the phones teh entire american economy would get a boost in time saved. -----when i run for president , i will pass a law outlawing "your call is important to us"
so i have found a job for some mobility challanged person here----- going thru the medications - and anything else with an expiration date-- canned soup?? whatever... i picked up a bottle of tylenol - exp 7/19---
not that i think the 7/19 has anything to do with tylenol's efficiency, but both ADI and the USDA would get bent out of shape and assess fines and further financial woes- the usda would not care whether i thought the ttylenol would be non effective in august of 2019.. to them it shows a lethal disregard for details and they can get out of control... as i can.... ( a little... who me?)
back when i was animal episodes- i had to be inspectged by the USDA -- and since in new england teher is not alot of animals used in "work" like photography-- which is why there was me in the first place- i listened without screaming at why i should vacuum the dust of the chicken coop windows-- but finally when they said i must have an identifying number for each animal on the farm, i am afraid i did raise my voice using a few words i learned from a sallor - perhaps you heard me in iowa??? my animals had names... they said i must have numbers and i must post those numbers so they couold come here and check..... ( probably because of a compugter programed to accept only numbers....) the result of that was i was forced to buy 200 brass "tags" so they could mark down th at i was in the process of puttin a tag around evey animals neck- that was about the time i started SDP and gave up i was leterally forced out of existance by teh paperwork of the USDA -- those tags are still around... in the cash register-- and the dust is still on the chicken coop's window ledge... my performance in teh field was perfect according to the animal rights group-- which it should be.-- but not the briefcase toting #$%^&*( idiots.
causing bud to ask what is the difference between an wrench and a #$%^&* wrench
he has a point there....