Wednesday, December 18, 2019

dec 18 2019
how someone got shot in the head is not a topic of conversation that is easy to waltz into..--mine is not to reason why-- so i never asked--  we were confronted with a nice enough guy who ran a fitness something from boston...  came here and volunteered many times--- and we found a dog who loved him-- jaegar-- from teh musicians litter. so we donated  jaegar to him and off they went.  we have had an extraordinary number of news articles about him--  but now---- a TED lecture ??!!!!!-- and his dog looks sooooooo good... 

so i would suggest you click on one or the other link and listen-- very interesting !!

YOU CAN FIND JOHN AND SERVICE DOG JAGGER’S TEDX TALK ON YOUTUBE AT IT’S CALLED “Unexpected messages: A hard road to victory | John Carter”