this person- janice- who wrote about scott and dog "dash" in "knot today" is braving teh storm of trying to write about SDP-- she could use some help with the 2800 daily doggies i have put out. particularly-- t the part at the bottom where i cut and paste things people have said or sent to me- i think she is on a line of teh huge difference in not only teh person' life but the family/caregivers... but also likes teh humor side of it all. be it erica and asher on stage in a musical--- or fiona tip toeing across rocks in a stream... - these dogs don't just get you up the mundane curbs of life... it isw a whole new world....these dogs may not erase your disability but they certainly give you a whole new ability.--- it has been said by several of our male recipients that these danes are as good as any puppy at being a chick magnet.
different door... different window -- different box.... get out.-- in teh mean ti me write me about it....she needs the stories..
i had another vent-able hangup---
is not saying anything the equavalint of lying? seems to me that might be true.. there is no way around here that i can keep my eye on everything--- i have to have faith in everyone to bring things to my attention...and eventually they do... i have rules/ regulations and proceedures--... not becaiuse l ilke rules regulations and proveedures... we haVe alot of them because ADI ACCREDITATION SAYS WE MUST- but for the most part these rules are based on keeping up standards..-.
even if now-a-days there is such a thing as flea killer applied to teh dogs- the expression is still heard "he who lies down with dogs gets up with fleas" -- i do not like that expreession because i hold a dog in alot higher status than .. shall we say ... "other speicies" ---
it is the fleas that wipe off that are the negativism that can "infect" teh whole place.
in the meantime i found a new horizontal place to ":store" things-- tehre is a 10 x 30 foot area behind teh t tent which currentloy contatins "predump" stuff -- if i throw all that away -- and use a few tarps well-- things like snow plow-- fertalizer sperader, log splitter etc can hide there...-- teh whole project is held up because tehre is a n overhead wire that the big tractor can not get under.. i will try today with the smaller loader.
and i ordered new tarps froM that online TARP place.. to replace some tired tarps
Adventures of Goldy's Farm in Ipswich MA. Goldy is the Ghost Of the Lefthand Draw who brings adventures and miracles to farm. We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the welfare of community seniors and veterans with our rescued and repurposed animals.
Monday, September 9, 2019
SEPT 9 2019