Saturday, June 15, 2019

june 15 2019

i had a chance  to really make some guy's life alot better in yesterdays nursing home...- thanks to judy's booking these " jobs" --- visits or whatever----- big room -- nice place---?30 people in wheelchairs-- judy running from one to another with teh fry pan and dog cookies-  as she went from one to anotheer , she has a "bouncy" way of asking their name a dn  "do you want to feed the dog?"-   one guy said "my name is conrad denis" and i yelled--- wait a minute... i know conrad denis !!  took me a mionute to remember why i knew the name until he said he used to live in middleton...  BINGO --- he was certainly not someone who would be comfortable in the polished homes often seen in middleton-- just as i was not teh "usual" homeowner in lynnfield-- or ipswich for that matter... he lived at teh end of a dirt road and had more animals than was politically correct---  but all cared for very well by animal standards. along with a normal collectio of dogs and cats, he had a trick trained horse-  and a few odd things like a raccoon or other things that wandered in from the forest behind him.-- and they were "handle- able"  so i used to borrow  some of his creatures for commercials and movies.

now sit him  in a home" for teh aged" babbling about his horse in movies- and the staff just thought he was nuts.
THAT hit too close to home-- i coud see myself in some old folks home babbling about donkeys in hotels and cockroaches on tables..... somenone patting me on the head  to be kind to the old tho i coud not remember teh exact details  i knew i had borrowed many animals from him-- so i let everyone at that nursing home know that.. his esteem  just blossomed... he is now a movie star over there.

i don't know why  teh movie business is so attractive... it is darn hard work-- at all hours-- very demanding- stressful-  pays well  tho it certainly i s not steady work....  but it remains..  entrtaioningl,

i was in it before some of teh digital posibilities-- and   i remember------ teh director wanted a special effect of  teh cockroach ( in the next karote kid???) and had someone bring a special camera from LA  - they flew in teh next day-- tehy had bought an extra  seat for it because teh did not want to check it.soooooo.. that leaves me-- sittin on the floor  of some huge mansion with a million dollar camera flown specially in for this shot of one cockroach....-- and i have a shoebox  of cockroaches we got out of some restaurant in the next town...  the glamour was underwhelming.-- the added complication was i did not want any to get loose and infest the mansion- it was the only animal i ever harmed in  my  movie career..  after teh shot , i set fire to the box of them in the parking lot. 
i/we  had a good reputation... the animal rights people stopped monitoring every movie with animals in it  if we were handling   and we were-- probaLBY 95% OF TEH ONES IAROUND  BOSTON/

THAT STORY CONCEPT IS VERY CLOSE TO THE   CUTE LITTLE YORKIE FOR A WOMAn to hold while wearing a  fur coat borrowed from some store---she held teh dog in her fur covered arms for the shot and handed it back to me-  i forget who was there with me... maybe janine... but when i got the dog back we both saw  fleas...  i honestly didn't think  the dog had teh fleas ahead of time--  we had groomed it -- and i am sure we would have seen  them-- so we bought some flea powder and "did" the dog before returning it to the owner--  i don't know what happened to the coat... or the store from whence it cometh.

Hi Carlene

Here are some pictures to go with my last email. 

Seagram was so happy at Central Park. She especially loves climbing on rocks — something I learned just a month or two ago. Now every time we see a good rock formation at the Park, or a nice boulder at the beach, she happily approaches and goes up. 

Also new and interesting — if she is in vest, she will politely “ask” me to climb. This happened with the last set of rocks as we were about to leave the Park. We had been walking more quickly because we were to meet Erica & Asher, but we passed a huge boulder that had 2 steps cut into it to make it more “walkable.” Seagram paused and indicated that she really wanted to go up there. She had been especially good & helpful during our trip (including when she has to “catch” me more often on busy days like this since my leg “gives out” because of an injury, and this worsens when I’m tired). Of course I took off her vest & said she could climb. Look at his happy she is!

Near the end, I have a picture of her in her vest. 

The last picture is of her watching squirrels. It always amazes me how calm she is around moving critters! She watched, fascinated by the squirrels, for less than a minute. Then she went back to rock-climbing. 

Just watching her happiness makes me so happy! She is such a blessing!

Thank you again,
Hi Carlene,

These are pictures from seeing Kiss Me, Kate. The first picture show Seagram looking into the crowd at the theater, not bothered by how busy it is. You can also see how close we were to the stage. We had such a great time & Seagram and Asher were perfect. 

Thank you, 