Wednesday, August 16, 2017

aug 16 2017
i bit the bullet....i have ordered a harness for mo---slightly foolishly-- i am remindid of dave lettermans "before you retire to spend time with your fqmily, you better ask you r family how they feel about it." well i ordered the harness without consulting mo.... this could be a problem ... as we try and figure out why she was "discarded"  -- she is sound-- no problems wit her feet or legs-- she has been worked- she has the scars of a harness ( and  scars from a bit in the corner of her mouth)  could be she just started to say " to heck with you i am just gong to misbehave so badly  tht i don't have to work anymore"   if that is so,, buying a harness could be a large mistake... about 125 pounds of mistake- however... it is on it's way ... from mossouri.. one mule harness. if all goes well , she should be able to easily pull the amish buggy.. it may take a lot of carrots to make her think kindly about a harness in general..  i hope there are no flashbacks.... she is large.... einstein said something about force , mass, and energy..... or something..  she sure has the mass part....
 from mail call with megan....i am still confused about  "the pups are ok with me and steve"  i thought it would be "steve and i"  because "me and steve"  just does not sound right...
then several cp's chimed in  with words no self respecting street person would know.. like subjunctive because of the  "with" -- i hope one of you verbiage types can clear it up....  with steve and me   sounds better to me than  me and steve... and i instinctly would have said--- steve and i
leaving out the steve ---i can see where the  "I"  might be wrong... but..........
next problem---  the eclipse...
creating a problem because janine is going to gwen's to watch it -- gwen in north carloina is in the direct path-- doesn't sound like an issue... except janine had a couple donkeys arrive  that are not ready to be placed in a generic home-- or with the group she has at  anne's groton house... she  swears they do not have a running nose..  but are in need of some intensive care..... i wish tanner's  "closet" was fininshed, but we could squeeze them in here somehow.   i said i would go look at them today...  we could manage as long as we don't inherit her horse.. lincoln..  to boot.
we could swing that gate across the stall and give them mo's outdoor area because mo is so often loose in the yard anyway--   we should split them up.... because   we can not provide intesnsive care type food to the rest of the  bunch or they would get too fat too quickly-- 
janine has had several people come here to "practice" with our donks  for the "donkey race" day at myopia.. 
pups are on their way... gruel feeding.. and starting with the baby food jars ( of wiich we have  plenty at the moment...)  now that they have "lap gruel" down pat, the concept of  biting down on a spoonfull is a whole new thing..
mom is getting tired of motherhood... i think she will have another week or so and she will want out....  she wanders the house now-- and gets up on the sofa's to get away from the pups...
carpenter type - howard- is coming bck friday and saturday to work on the "closet"   and tanner said he coudl stay to help... that is a great working pair...  plus he is doing such a good job , i am ashamed to try and put  up any rafters myself.... they would not look as good...also "tree guy" of unknown name will spend 1/2 day climbing trees in the parking pit to get rid of the dead branches...  so no parking there on friday...
klingers kloset is a good name  for that "wood structure" behind the arena...  johnny carson had a wondrful thing with  klangers bein g kept in  klingers kloset where .. the kleaning lady klara  kept them...before they were stolen by the kleptomaniac claude from cleveland.
 the EXPLORE.ORG web site is all new...  but all there somehow...
somehow i have heard there are facebook  picture posintgs that are pretty funny by our cp's  and i don't know how to find them

i will now go try and figure out how to navigate it...