Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 dd 4 3

Dd 4 3

Brilliant !  we have a brilliant puppy....  while I drank my coffee.. he carefully picked up, and carried to me – one at a time.... 3 curlers, a pair of eye glasses...4 bits of foam ( the bed shredded by malarkey) a bit of packing material from mail call, and a bit of twisted packing tape... the interesting part is... he also picked up a bit of  brown paper bag. Which he did not bring to me. But sat about 24 inches away and chewed it up by himself !! don’t  tell me  he can discriminate between bits I would consider valuable !

 we don’t know what we don’t know.


How is that for morning intellect !!


Janine is leaving  “early” today for  south Carolina---to avoid the storm...i think she may be riding right into the storm. But who am I to know?  There is a dark green glob of storm all along the Hudson river—but green is rain- so maybe......   I have heard rumors of 12  inches of snow....—but I think 12 inches of snow is only one inch of rain ..


 And i---we... have another donkey job today---  this will be a challenge—no Janine,  no Elizabeth..maybe carlie

I need more of the helper staff of volunteers.... I t is fun and amusing.....( usually)


The usually energetic elizabeth is having her life adjusted by medical doctors--- just like I went thru a month ago when I could no longer do a #1 sudoko puzzle..--- ever since her medical doctor and her animal doctor ( larkey) decided her blood sugar needed adjusting and gave her “meds?   , she can no longer stay away for more than27 minutes at a time... I went thru this when “they” gave me a pill to stop  the itch.. well I  itched anyway and I could no longer remember my date of birth—so I gave up taking that pill and now I just need to keep straight that 01938 is my zip code and 01937 is DOB.... another binary problem bound to cause me trouble....


We are all tremendously excited... because today they're supposed to deliver a dumpster!!  how many people do you know that would be thrilled about getting a dumpster..  it's like a mail call when we are thrilled at getting a big bag of worms this is a unique environment here..  but today is dumpster day..   We just plain  cannot keep up with the current crap and the overflow from Elizabeth's move to a slightly smaller environment. at least a smaller internal environment.   In this great shift from A to B,  the deciding factor of what goes where is "does this object need to be kept from freezing?"--.. There is an awful lot of our current life which doesn't need to be kept in a heated environment... I think back to that heavy load I had on my horse trailer of that doctor's library .... he should have kept them in a garage.   What a waste of energy we all have because we don't make that distinction, and reserve toasty warm  only for things that need to be kept toasty warm..  Around this area they are still building as if they had twelve children and a half dozen people to help with the farm chores.  the houses around here are huge..   and here I sit with two Danes and a puppy in my one room.


I must in that one room put the numbers on the shatupon  board..  I I have it all set up with the squares and I did manage to put in all the numbers from 301 to 399...   but thankfully we have an awful lot more that I still have to put on there so I will have that done before mail call today when we can probably get the chicken out to make the  big decision for us..


It is 6:42. so I think janine's discussion about leaving early needs to be once again adjusted... unless she has decided to sit out the storm here and then drive.


storms were just either rain or snow, but now that they have been individualized by naming them people are taking them far more seriously. 12 inches of snow would be slightly incapacitating... one inch of rain would hardly be noticed.