Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 jan 16

I was supposed to go to court today, but------- there does seem to be a significant   snowstorm going on .  though I’m  used to driving in the snow delivering magazines.   I hesitate ask someone else to  Get Me Out court... a few complications like job I don't care (WOW THAT WAS TO BE ADULT CARE--- THE FAcT THAT DICTATION PUT OUT ...”I DON’T CARE” IS AMUSING!!!!)


So many of these places we go to are literally maybe that---- there's a last resort someone has an aging relative not capable of caring for themselves really needs to be somehow fed and warm and things like that so they do the best they can but it's a pretty grim environment are worse than others for sure... most places have a activity director..   ran out of budget long ago and it's nearly impossible to be creative seven days a week  as witnessed sometimes by my pathetic daily doggie....


Nick ( eliz husband nick) provided yesterday's amusement because he bought some complicated furniture Boston office renovation say he found Facebook and when he got at home the cabinet was full of electronic equipment which they sold with the cabinet---is certainly spectacular -----notably stainless steel tripod which will hold up a camera that is smaller than any of the knobs levers used to control the tripod...  it has nearly 180°--  somehow he hooked up microphone deal so if we do get you mail call today somebody could figure out how to turn all this off we should be spectacularly clear things like that..


I am totally appalled and he can find electronic equipment.. look it up on line...  understand what all that means... put it all together into a working system...  in the meantime he got my printer  with a wire.  not getting messages on my computer about the computer not being able to find printer..  this would be huge progress.. no one wants to go up the ladder from the wires....


Speaking of ladders----   I hope I can recreate--- nick up on a  ladder-- trying to raise the wire over the driveway so the trash truck make it in and out... and he  asked Elizabeth to steady the bottom of the ladder.. gets her foot on it  and hangs on with her one arm....which point the four goats who are  in that pasture decided that their friend Elizabeth had  come to visit...  furthermore she likes to play..  play to.  them is standing  up on their hind legs as they come down banging their head against something...   and in this case it was Elizabeth trying to sturdy the ladder with their husband 20 feet in the air... ---- and he does not like heights....

It was a good scene....

Reminiscent of the day  I had to get Janine on the roof  of the house. With a fire extinguisher in one hand,  In her Victoria secret outfit---  with a  7 foot ladder for a 9 foot gap – to extinguish the roof fire before teh  big trucks ( and many big firemen) arrived....


Life on the farm at least allows humor to develop