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In spite of. an awful lot of. “in spite of’s “ we did get the HENNY PENNY board down out of the rafters and modify the numbers to accommodate the current 756 numbers—a perfectly wonderful “henny penny board....thank you all.....
Winner was... Diane STERN FROM MD,,, THE “ UPRUNNERS” were Susan Pagliari WI..... JANE GATES WY.--- AND SUSAN Coleman from zip code 3915( I have to look that up....).--- Ann Trumpeter from KY --- and Enid Waldvogel. From IL.....i will try very hard to work with Mary and get those out within a few days. .
... . The reason we get a check for slightly less than $7560----.($6655) is because I did have to add a few donors myself which came in mail call . so those checks get directly deposited and are not in memsaic’s accounting....
Who’s Mary? She is the guest we were looking for yesterday... who is “vacationing “ in our RV—(. So far she put in a full days work yesterday) ---unless it gets too cold, in which case you will see her around the cabin) --- she is willing to do most anything---- like try our first attempts at sticky buns.... she also mentioned she has done some overnight camping....IN THE SNOW !!---
They—not me- will be “doing a big job today in Woburn....very lively crowd—nice staff, no budget... but because of the henny penny board.. we can manage to help them. I wish they were taking a donkey.. but we are not quite ready--- the donks need a massive clean up and stair climbing lessons....
I hope to start the sticky bun practice today—I need to buy/locate quite a collection... including. Rubber gloves and dental floss—glovess is obvious--- but dental flosss??... that is how you slice the raw dough !!
I hope judy comes today and get us settled before she takes off for a month !!
I may decide to start the book on the latest activities because my head got twisted around the hysterical stories about toilets and how they have dominated our existence for nearly six months now... one of my more amusing concepts is that I consider myself a pretty good person in geometry but one of our major complaints supposedly to the ADA was the handicapped man who's 6 foot one could not cope with the toilet that was 6 inches taller than it should be... I may have made a study of geometry ----well I have not really studied male anatomy in depth--having had two husbands and two children I have a pretty good idea but I cannot understand why a six foot tall person would be very confused and unable to use a toilet that was 6 inches taller than normal.. that would be an interesting study I'd like the answer to that.---there's a lot of very funny stories around all these farm now getting over ridden by one or two dead serious ones... interesting
somebody's here the dogs say so