wednesday WE did NOT FINISHED THE LEFTOVER DOGFEST HAMBERGERS !! we must address the extra food around here...
2020 9 23 ( the dictated oaprt)
The best way to describe lynns effect on our operation would be she has picked up on all the systems we have running here or that should be running here that I have not been able to keep up with most notably my beautiful back pack .. vacuum cleaner .
I heard about the vacuum from someone in New England biolabs and then someone else at mass general .. it's hugely efficient battery run not terribly heavy and does a wonderful job in the cracks and crevices of any building especially a kennel with its funny forward placing foot not perpendicular to the wand ..
I have started three different staff members on using that .but I find that unless I'm standing there watching them well quickly brush off the carpets of the sleeping lofts And quickly mopped the floor shoving grock into the corners and ignore the vacuum cleaner . it is one of those it's easier to grab a brush and brush off the carpet by hand and leave all the really horrible dirt down in the Tufts of the carpet.. I don't like that . But I didn't have time to follow through .. Lynn took one look at that . put it on her own back to try it out which I had done also , and decided she would keep it in her office where it can be recharged and hand it out to someone on the prescribed day like Thursdays and Sundays to do the main barn .. situation hopefully under control.. forget the easy brush off.
And then there's the cars -- she went down and started up the two orange vehicles noted the repair Notices , made an appointment at the Toyota dealer to have both cars updated and with a bit of luck maybe mine too which is due for an oil change . Then she thought it would be very interesting if the trainers who drive these orange cars could note the mileage on the bottom of the Pooh picker on which they made their daily dog report .. would take no extra effort whatsoever .. and it might take Donna less than 4 seconds to punch that in the data file she already keeps and that would show a bunch of amazing things like mileage .. And maybe oil changes ..
While at the same time dealing with the “perils of Pauline??????-----Watson , Bentley , Paula what appears to have been just social life .. who knows----- Paula is strange ---an inconclusive tpt ( toilet paper test) is that red.. or is it tan..or salmon color…. ??? … but we've been there before .
Because She started to handle those kind of things I got to work and my 10 little purple dog houses and the doors to them .. great strides were made …and I got a nap .and ice cream !!
Now for the would you believe it section---
I have called the Toyota dealer three Times Now trying to buy another used car to match the two orange ones we now have which would be lin an two trainers’s cars.. matching… .
I would think someone would get ahold of me with some success somewhere .. unless they just aren't making orange ones anymore ? at any rate I haven't heard and I started asking three weeks ago ..
Tilly…. Aka myrtle.. with the megasophagus.. is doing beautifully so far in her little” bailey chair “ built to hold her upright while the food slides down into her tummy.
Nae man can tether time nor tide… nor the growth of a dane pup…. So I have contacted the company about at least another chair to take over as she outgrows the one she now has … outgrowing could take a week?????
Here is an interesting bit from Courtney…
Interesting because some people would have observed “she is dragging things around" ….. where Courtney realized it was a very intellectual thing for lilo to do.
You'll like this one.
In quarantine, I stay in my pajamas a lot of the time. The main exception to this is when I get dressed to go to the park with Lilo in the mornings. She's definitely learned the correlation between me putting on "real" pants and when we're going to the park.
This morning I ran a little late and she took matters into her own paws. As I was washing my face, she came into the bathroom carrying a pair of my husband's pants. She passed them to me as if to say, "Here, let me help." I explained to her that those were NOT my pants, but that she'd made her point and I'd hurry it up.