must have at least 2 dozen emails about the 84 danes NH
i am trying to get the word thru that i am willing to help with training and management in general...
lets face it ... we have the most efficient poo management practices - and with 84 danes, that is going to be one of the biggest progblems-- can you imagine 84 danes with loose stool???
i think at the moment -- a couple people are contacting "the authorities" in my behalf.... john golumb who is commissioner of something in maybe portsmouth was first to call ( he and his wife were my first board of directors---owners of poco's restaureant in portsmouth) -- george myers (dvm)who said he was well into it..and said ( in a little defeatest tone "they are all scared and timid") --- right george--- we deal with that daily... even your namesake "george" .. with bella..--- the perfect dog that he is......was once timid.. he probably still is on ocassion.... . i hate to have anyone put the label of "timid" on a dane -- because in the real dog world timid = fear= biter and with a 180 pound dog that can be a problem... i would like to get involved in the re training... before they decide to euthanize a dog who is just scared.---- olivia apparently has a friend who is involved as tech and is dealing with some of the dogs...
they are under quarentins for a bit... and i did read that they will be up for adoption in 4 months... that is alot of poo to pick before they let them go.
apparently many are impoirted... which means they will be chipped... with a chipper i am sure the HSUS has both readers..( we do)-- probably the hsus will require that they be spayed and neutered for placement..... othrwise we might be interested in a female to save having to import one ourselves... i bet they would not go for that....however....
they don't train like "normal dogs" so i would like to at least warn the people who are helping out fostering them... -- i bet they are tied in to tufts.. and dr. dodman who wrote a book on dog behavior---on the cover of his book you will see all my dogs sitting around him... ( thumper-- foundation stud-- somehow related tor nearly all the dogs we now have)
the only thing i can think of doing right now as a group is get a few more poo pickers to me--and if i am asked- i wlll b e prepared to tackle at least that end of things.... at that i am pretty sure my expertise is unquestioned...
that is the biggest excitement of the day... after that... it is sunday.. and if we get a crowd.... i would like to empty the area behind the white g-tent and flatten it out and dress it up with a new gate to the path to the forest...
we had a very nice couple here yesterday- i hope they come back... aside from being nice the guy was big and strong looking-- i can use the strong part and the puppies could stand to have the big guy part... i think he had hair on his face too... that is another puppy training thing we coujld use...
we got the new puppy bus thing well along yesterday.. turns out the cheap golf umbrellas all have a handle that jams into pvc piping so we now have umbrellas ready to open in diagional corners of teh puppy wagon...
these pups are almost too big now.. but we have more coming????
here's a long --published---report i got from lynn who knows people like the great dane club of new england
Hi all..
I wanted to put an update out about the 84 Dane Seizure.
For those that don't know I am the president of Great Dane Rescue of New England, 2 years ago we were contacted by neighbors when Tina Fay first bought the home in NH... we were able to get in the home.. we took videos and photos submitted such to all the state agencies and ACO- according to the Dept of Ag sadly the state laws protected her there were no laws in NH that states she couldn't breed or have that many dogs.. when we were there we saw at least 50-60 dogs and puppies. Her Kennel name is De Le Monde Sang Great Danes and I stay friends on FB to monitor her happenings.
What I know.. I know her vets, One is True North Veterinary Hospital in Bartlett NH , I know where she imports and exports to which I'm sure all sorts of laws are being broken and not being followed up on with health and quarantine requirements. Top Notch Danes in North Carolina seems to be one of the US kennels that breed with her.
The woman in her kennel that sold these dogs on Craigs list is her kennel manager Jes Stinson-Merrill that conveniently quit a few weeks ago. And her husband Aaron Merrill.
Also Hope Carle, Kady Hoffman, Julia Smith were also kennel help that we know of.
What else I know, the dog Dexter that cost is 10k was one of her dogs that her kennel help dumped, one of 3 dogs we go into rescue the other two sold to families on NH Craigs list for $50 by her kennel help, she has that home the Bartlett home and a recent purchase by her daughter in Maine- with the similar set up as the one in Wolfboro.
Her dogs come from France, Brazil and Spain, Serbia and Croatia. I had gotten into a very heated discussion with her, her daughter and a kennel hand on April
Regarding these dogs- at which time I was told by her she had cancer and was in the hospital and her daughter and one of the kennel hands took over.. is it true.. not sure.. but still no excuse for this..
we have left message for the ACO, police department and Human Society- with offer of help and vital information to help shut this whole operation down as it is much bigger than just Tina.. but we have yet to receive any response from
We know that HSUS is raising funds to care for the dogs and will in turn adopt them
Out themselves. - they will not work with anyone local as they would have called us ahead of time
All we hope the dogs get the care and love they deserve and find homes.. I hope this doesn't turn out to be like the Florida seizure where thousands were raised and no one has any idea what happened to any of the danes or where they are and how many were euthanized.. from my understanding it was quite a few, not a single update was made to those that donated.
We hope they will listen to us this time and it stays closed for good
But honestly if they listened to us little rescue people and neighbors 2 years ago we wouldn't be here today.
If they reach back out to us we will
Let you all know.. as of now we are told they don't need our help and have yet to give us any responses.
Thank you all for the posts, calls and texts.. but our hands are tied here.
i don't like it when the USHS (US HUMAINE SOCIETY) does not allow the whereabouts of the dogs to be known... i am sure many would have to be euthanized-- but they should not have that be the easy way out....
i don't like the wording in that article " as of now we are told they don't need our help and have yet to give us any responses." the
great dane club of new england is where i refer requests to...
between george and john my willingness to help should at least be acknowledged... if i get no response either...., i am not going to like it.