sept 8 2015
megan is still sick-- we sent her a "care package" via janine yesterday... i am hoping she is well enough to come and lie around and watch pups for us...kati is going to come and fill in for a few days... we are mqnaging-- and the opressive heat means she might not have done alot here today anyway...
yesterday -- labor day-- was very confusing all round...3 people we expected to be here-- were not....along with megan out... usually everyone is very good... but i think i need to remind everyone this is a 365 day/year job... animals need care 365-- and if you are not going to be here... you need to figure out who can cover your position... turned out grace and pam did double duty-- pam is doing a super job of managing to keep coverage...and shannon extended her hours til 3 when we hopefully have a shift change...
today we need to get all the dogs out running before it gets too hot.... which it is supposed to do.-- the house/kennels are all a/c -- but the arena is not.... and that can get pretty hot..- aparently our big 4' fan is down...
i have laid dwon the law about opal's domain... she needs to feel as her place int eh tv room will not be invaded by neal, wanda,riot or bentley-- or any girl scout troup trooping thru... even a quick run thru by wanda could be upsetting to her... so we have put up the double barrier and she has the run of the tv and kitchen-- and we are stepping over the usuall barriers. - once she has pups she can be settled in thetv room-- but for now, she is wandering and i don't want her to feel confined in the tv room...last temp was 100-- looking for the 2 degree drop indicating delivery within 24 hours... problem is , i think the drop does not last for 24 hours but goes back up again.. so if we miss it.......
and it is only an old wives tale.... i think.
this place is full of old wives..
i did not tackle the baby donkey (buddy2) 's hair clipping-- it looks like pine sap-- but coudl be alot of other things....i am not sure the clippers will go thru that baby fuzz anyway... but this stuff is wierd... grunge.. and i can't clip him all over-- we just need to figure out exactly what it is...
I fiddled around with the information collected on the "Where are the CPs" survey that has been in existence since 2012. The information is now summarized on one page with percentages and then two charts have been added that look like maps. One for the USA and one for the International peeps (I couldn't get it to do it all on one map).
These are just the results from that survey which people answer just one time. It is not an up-to-date real-time snapshot of who is currently watching.
If you are interested in seeing it, here is the link to the results page...
At the bottom of that page there are two other tabs for the maps ... USA ... International. The bigger the dot, the more viewers in that location. If you hover your cursor over a dot it will show you the location name and number of people.
looks like we are in every state and a big bunch of countries...