Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

 the new deagle house is nearly habitable--    we had dogs in all 5 kennels yesterday -- along with bentley on the couch  -- it is a thing of beauty--- few things to work on today...  the outside fencing needs help  there is no gate between 2 of the outside areas-- and megan does not do ladders-- 
as i drove by bonnies a year ago  i think i remember she had a pool ladder/life savers ladder/chair thing...since she has no pool... maybe that would work to get megan over th e 5' fence and the dogs would never.  building a gate would be such a dull solution
why did i remember that??? well it was during calendar photographng season when we were getting ideas...-- and we may need it for next year-- but a bunch of pups playing in one of those 8" tall blue wading pools with bailey rigged upon that lifeguard chair  could be a good one...-
the gopro filming of the process of making one of those comical photos  would also be interesting to the general  camera crowd..
i liked that lifeguard  chair scene--- i can't remember why we did not do it.
at any rate--- bonnie has one.---
 bonnie is not as bad as i am--  i don't think she collects like i do-- but she does not throw away anything which lands on her doorstep.-- so her place is a source of things not readily available in the real world.
i remember-----when i was quite father once said save things that look alike---especially hardware---  that is what got me into  trouble --- from driving 8 matching mini donkeys  to  selling puppy breath  in those matching little bottles
the bottles are a lot easier..
mark has bgiven me 21 videos to watch of the training we did while he was here... so i have a job to do
  short doggie