Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013

explore called and said they are processing a lovely grant for us-- so now we have th e problem of how best to use that..
that problem is not a bad one.... it means we can plan ahead---
looking at it from the top means we need to pray that no more females come in heat til we see if olive is prego -- and how many....  remember we have noel  who george said had at least 4 pups in her  
keep in mind you can not count pups  til they are nursing.. however... all indications.... and olive's owner said she thinks olive is pregnant-- 
i hope so ... olicve had some beautiful pups---- (and a lot of colored  pups that did not look alike...)
and more help is possible..  thankfully--  but as we use this money to grow, it means we will be even more dependent on the donations and volunteers
plus... there were things talked about which could be fun-- like a roving camera so we could do short tapes of out working the dogs in public--- and some other odd things that go on around here which might be of interest to the "camera people"
now th e lulu report
Doing good! Thank you for the service vest link.

Lu seems to be enjoying herself. I've been giving her two cups of kibble in the morning along with some rice, mixed with finely diced chicken or beef. She doesn't seem crazy about the kibble I have her on (Canidae), so I might switch back to Purina. If that's what she likes, I'm not going to fight it!

She's been going to the bathroom consistently, and her stool is healthy. I take her on good walks in my neighborhood and near work, and during lunch I let her run free in the building's closed courtyard. She met a dog named Kona, who is apparently out in that courtyard every day. They had a good romp, which made me think that Lu could use a nice hike or a trip to the dog beach.

She's a very well behaved dog, with one isolated incident of her stealing my roommate's shoe. Ha! I have an open closet full of shoes, but she chose my roommate's dirty Adidas.

I'm introducing her to my dad tonight - I'll be driving with him and his girlfriend to Utah this weekend, and I'll find out if it's a possibility to bring her. Otherwise, Ann has offered to keep her while I'm away.

stool good---   what a relief that is....
the thank you department---
we did get a box full of towels yesterday  -- biiiiiiiiiiiiigggg help..
i have also noted what some people call old towels are better than what we -people - use-- i have to admit swapping some off for my even  older towels.
and we got 2 traffic barriers-
traffuc barriers are second only to my  lifelong desire for double ended snaps-- i have for years substituted a strange collection of wood and concrete..  then hung scribbled signs on them  telling people to park here   pups are loose
we now have 2 proper barriers--- probably the sign will still be scribbled.  but we are started to improve thanks to the camera people.
things are constantly changing around here  which is why we end up with such a weird collection in the overflow room....s 
take the  development of the milk department on our pregnant females-
it all hangs--   and she is heavy with child... and drooping even without child... so the first pen we put up for her is about 8"high  so she can get across without dragging her "self"-
after she has the pups and they begin  to get around  and over the 8" fence   ( actually white wire shelving from home deppt)... everything is still hanging... but she is lighter and can jump  so we put in the 12"    when the pups start over that... we attach the 18" shelving. 
who's counting?  that is 3 sets of fencing  even before they are eating solid food at 3 weeks
everything around here is like that
get something all set up  and the "given " changes.
but we have waterproof flooring  all over the entire first floor.  with another set of pups due the end of the month... we are ready
noel will be moving in in the next few days to get used to the 8"fencing which will define her area.
which will be covered by the house roving camera-  and the chuppies will go to the cameras in the barn.
and the hill crowd slide sideways into  individual kennels and start more intensive training  which i hope i can  record and have explore use  somehow.
when we were in la and met Mike.. he had a bunch of cameras  idiot proof that he used to attach to fish--- or something-
between that camera and one tim has in mind  we should be able to  do something interesting.
at any rate we should be able to come up with a weekly   xxxxx  whatever i called it yesterday--
how could i forget to thank whoever sent this beautiful clock which tells me what day it is...
after a quick look, i see that it is thursday..
schedule of the day
the new chain link fence is done-- if i can slide the horse trailer down th edriveway  i can go get that...   rumor has it , that it is 40 degrees out--
maybe by noon...
 i am trying to reclaim  the overflow room #628  as my downstairs bedroom.
i have most of SDP stuff out of there... it is a struggle.
with both those chores.... we  need to contact  blue greg -- who thinks lifting weights is fun-    what usually  happens now is   greg's mom---  a camera person  in england--- will call his cell phone and tell him to get up here and help move things
how worldy  can we be...?..
and then there is this.....  from what little i know... it is not the joke it seems to be...  i was told by a noted neurologist  that parkinson patients sometimes have trouble in doorways--  and i have seen that happen..
and then i got this...
Psychologists have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers
what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of
thoughts and memories from the next.
Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and
prepares a blank slate for the new locale.
It's not “aging”….. it's the damn “door!” Thank goodness for studies like this.
This is my story, and I'm sticking to it...