Jade and pistol are on the plane
very funny story to type on a cpu when i land. we are on-- safe and sound. awesome in the airport. even pulled a bit.
whew --- that is 1/2 the worry--- now to get off the plane and safely into her car-- which should happen in about 2 hours???
my nerves are shot !!!
i should not tempt fate and say anything before jade gets landed in her appartment... but..... technically------ this is where "educating the dog" is far superior to simply training one. pistol is usually a very sensible dog-- not the kind of thing you can do with clicker training.. .
beth (super clicker trained dog-- & gets this DD)-- could get her lab to pick up a random object- a blue pail - 100' away and place it on a random chair in the t tent in no more than 5 minutes while beth sat in one place--
that was impressive,,,
the clicker theory ( oh boy am i gonna get it) is for the dog to " make a suggestion" and i will click when it is correct. this is how beth did it.
dog standing in front of beth -- click--treat
standing then look in the direction i want you to go-- click--treat
look ---then walk in that direction- toward the object ( a blue pail) -- click--treat
walk toward and stand near the pail -- click--treat
stand at the pail and look for something to do- like touch the pail -- click--treat
go touch the pail and pick it up -- click--treat
bring it toward me -- click--treat
pick up the pail and walk-- toward the chair -- click--treat
pick up th pail and put it in front of the chair -- no click...
go pick it up again and put it on the chair -- click--treat
now apply that to pistol at the airport-- going thru security---
one wheelchair one leash-one clicker and bag of treats -
2 hands-
pistol stop -- click--treat
pistol step in that doorway -- click--treat
TSA--- push button -- call security-- investigate the strange metal object----
get second opinion-- dog stuck in doorway waiting for a click- treat
security tests clicker-- dog jumps forward looking for treat-- jade reaches in her treat pouch- security doesn't understand what she is reaching for and pulls gun.
jade might have ended up in jail--
all over a clicker
i am holding my breath til she lands in her car..-- my worry is having jade drop the short leash and pistol gets loose--and someone walks by who uses that strange hand cream "lush" that megan uses --- so pistol goes looking for megan-
stranger things have happened.. pistol was almost tagging along with jade after 2 days intro--- but she loves megan and complicated with megan's hand cream-- murphy's law could set in.
we made it thru turkey day thanks to paul and earlene who drove--- and lois molly and Sunday sandy who managed the farm- and everyone survived.
janine rode in the myopia hunt-- and knowing what a madhouse it usually is we were there for a great parking place for tom to stay in the car- paul and earlene got out to watch the horses gather--- but it was cold--- so i called ann-- who is a winthrop and asked if we could park in her driveway - she knew where they would be going -- it being a drag hunt- we had the entire hunt go within 50 feet of the van. it is a photo op--- big time.
we all went to gwens for a dinner that they had been cooking for 3 days--- and it was super-
desert was supposed to be a pie per state from each family group- that fell thru in the confusion of flights, rental cars, and security. nobody brought pie but it was an interesting idea. gwen had anticipated that problem...
it was fun--- and no political arguements--- at least yet.-- it is a high powered group- which is amusing.
back to the dogs--- and the dribble
gigi produced one dark red glob about 3"diameter last night-
and this morning her bed is churned up-- as in digging--- nesting...
she has not yet started to tear up the bedding--- that usually indicates labor is starting. she will stand on a blanket-- reach down grab it in her teeth and pull up-- with great force.... tearing even the strongest material
i am going to need "her friends" here-- she is still leary of me--- and in the throws of labor it could get very confusing... i hope her friends will be around--- close---- and when she starts ripping--- it still could be 12 hours--- but it also cold be 20 minutes..