Good morning! We have a fresh and frosty start to Tuesday!
Change is good we are told yet change often strikes fear into the hearts of the most courageous of people! I suppose we should really consider change to be inevitable and the creator of a new set of circumstances.
Change is the switch that causes a shift in our lives. What change proves time and time again is just how adaptable we are as a species! I suppose our survival instincts are programmed to be suspicious of changes and we therefore approach with caution and trepidation?
We try to mitigate the aspects of change that we can predict. This lessens the impact and allows us to hit the road running or at a brisk walk or even heading the slow charge with a walker! We get there, one way or another! Most importantly, no animals will be harmed in the process!
So taking what we know to be approaching and the fact that change is inevitable, we have been planning for over a year as to how we need to adapt in the short, medium and long term. This has caused us to really home in and identify exactly what we need Goldy’s to provide. We know there are changes to be made, ideas to explore and develop and in order to achieve these successfully we need to sharpen our teamwork skills, keep the positivity topped up and sprinkle in a good amount of humor!
If we look like we’re off track or behind schedule, it was the goats. I have decided that goats derail everything including best laid plans.
John Lennon sang the lyrics, ‘Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans’. Who knew Lennon was a goat aficionado!
Let’s grasp the nettle and proceed henceforth! Onwards, upwards, remembering the chicane!