sept 2 2023
Whew ! made it thru august !
Old people do not do well with change ---- boy you got that right ! I am old and change gets terribly confused with forgetting in the first place ... this #$%^&* computer does not help as – all I needed to do today is change my “signature” at the bottom of all this. So you have the option of contributing to the hay pile or the general goldy farm basic funds of care and running of the traveling senior amusement or eliz ( and Dr R?) veteran project or the care of foot and fanny of any oncoming rescues... we just never know..... then there is the totally random Fun fundwhich I get mostly at mail call and will keep track of on the generic goldy farm welcome board..I think we have nearly arrived... if I could just get the bricks in a row...
I Have ---in my past noticed—that Hamilton – then next town over—has a custom of what seems like the whole town getting on a horse for a morning ride at 8:00 am in small groups of 3 or 4 they are all over town. .... where around meridith farm in topsfield--- it is the morning joggers... and there is a 2 mile loop around the streets which circle meridith... full of groups --- I wave as I drive by...:(
So I in my jammies was out there with all the joggers getting Janine connected with her truck and trailer so she could join the Hamilton riders... wild idea...
? moving?
A quick trip to home depot will get me more black and yellow whatever you call them---tubs---- Eliz has the garage full of 389 of them... incoming.. and I need to fill another 182 more for outgoing.
The home depot trip will also get me the 3/8 inch manila rope for the tipi trial project. That manila rope is really very specific--- it ties and holds well. But if you make a leash out of them you will have blisters.
With the rope and poles , now all I need is one heavy duty—tall-- lifting person and maybe 2 dead weight people to steady the lifting of the tripod... I can be one dead weight... age will never upset that !!