july 2 2023
oh how i wish people now managing the pups would go read and think about all the DD's i have written about how to start a pup on a leash... biggest thing is. start with one pup and put his rear in a corner so you do not get in the position of the pup running backwards with your hand stuck out over his head at the end of the leash. from the dogs point of view-- you are chasing him and he is terrified because some unknown thing has grabbed him. To just put a rope on him and drag him around is how you raise a junk yard dog, not a careful , thinking service dog. these volunteers need help with this---it is not their fault..... they need help.
i have sooooo many questions and so few answers so far... like... why was a 6 foot hole cut in the fence? this hole is in the fence which would enable my house dogs to get down on the street. and i am told there are 2 other holes like this-- that i can not get to look at.
--- there is certainly no question -- this hole was not there and it is now. my conclusion is some one cut it. did i miss something?
our "wandering mail call" will ... hopefully show more of the property and problems that need addressing... so hopefully you camera people can see more of what is actually going on.... it is july--- i had hoped my struggle to get a safe place to live would be in the past... i honestly do not understand why the 12 x 12 room which was once janine's bedroom can not be made available to me for a bedroom....so i have a "handicapped accessible" living quarters...lets face it-- i am handicapped by living to be 86 in the first place. to go from a 3 bedroom house to a laundry room is not "going up in the world" but is the only place on the property where i could avoid the joys of hills and stairs and winter ice...
or is there something i missed?