the good.. the bad... and the indifferent.
the good...
steve did seem to have food poisoning otherwise he would be sick for a week... he had only one day bad... so that is good. it could have been the maria illness- a week's worth---
the old tractor could scrape off enough chunks of ice so i could back my car off the hill without sliding into whatever was in the way
and the volunteers scraped away enough ice so i can park o nthe flat of the guest house..
----somebody fixed the candy jar by removing all the cookies so i can get at the candy in the bottom..
i think we can do an ultra sound on our resident prego today.. thanks to the fun fund
the fun fund has paid the postage on 54 calendars for people who wanted one and could not fit it in the budget...
and we found bumpy -- who will come to visit in a few days to meet with cookies on honey moon hill.
he wasn't really lost-- just a change of hillary's email address type lost...
the bad--
the camera is still off-- could be 2 possibilities-- or both --
down in the t tent --- there are 6 little black things in a row ?circuit breakers? --one of them has a tiny bit of red showing-- that one is wired /connected to this wifi camera bit-- bud who has many (46) years of experience in electriclal stuff tested wires and things and said it iw working fine. well i have 46 years studying murphy's law so even if it is working, i will get a new one a home depot today..
another large posibility is when steve mulled over the mass of wires in the back hall that have something to do with the cameras... he got shocked -- i think these are called ethernet plugs-- they look like large phone plugs..
i have had this battle before-- know therer are 16 tiny wires in there--no way can i attach a new plug without buying a cable and cutting it in the m iddle and matching wires that way. verizon had a gizmo that makes fast work of it... and we have a call in to them,, but it is not their wires-- however....----one of those dogs we "placed with a family" we placed with a verizon guy...
so all is not lost yet
we are going to have trouble with mail call-- 3 problems
1.our delivery person is unhappy with our mailbox-- and i think he has not delivered for a couple days-- i can not imagine no junk mail either...he got stuck on the ice in our yard and was very unhappy...
2. no shelia ( still in florida-- nother couple weeks)
3. no white board because the pups have eaten th e knobs off the drawer thqt hold the markers
such problems as i have...
*** more bad...
i need our 990 for this accreditation.. and i have put it off long enough...
the bad...
we still have hackers--- as in kennel cough.. i hope we are still on the first time round and it is unlikely that it goes round again.... ?george???
having dogs hack up phlem has to be one of the worlds most unattractive noises...
i can't think of anything indifferent...
if i am indifferent , why would i remember it anyway?