apr 30 2022
Adventures of Goldy's Farm in Ipswich MA. Goldy is the Ghost Of the Lefthand Draw who brings adventures and miracles to farm. We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the welfare of community seniors and veterans with our rescued and repurposed animals.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
Thursday, April 28, 2022
apr 28
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
april 26
There are some legal protections for farms being declared a nuisance by the Board of Health. MGL Chapter 111. Section 125a essentially says that they cannot declare you a nuisance if you are following "generally accepted agricultural practice. They would need to show that your are not doing so in order to declare you to be a nuisance
my problem is... when they came up the. driveway in 5 trucks to talk about expirimenting with rodenticide to see if it would kill a large dog like a dane------ no one... as in NO ONE asked me what i a had already done. which i. though was significant---- buying 84 victor snap traps and having only 20 left when they got here... for openers... what they were going on was an on camera tactic of naming one gizelle...jus to make it sound more acceptable to the camera city folk--- the other thing that probably upset them was i realize rats are smart.... and i was interested in seeing just what they were attracted to-- on a scientific experimental level---- perfectly legitimate.... who in the board of health knew ridex was an icecream party to a rat--- or my toyota wires.... and what in the home depot hardware aisle attracts some living creature according to our dogs.... i asked these questions, but it was way beyond the board of health's interest. i still think the world would like to. identify a few more things like ridex.....
Monday, April 25, 2022
april 25 2022
i really need to get out on the tractor digging holes before even the caffeend.coffee.. makes my eyes sag for a mid morning nap......so go watch the progress on that camera.... or maybe puppy hill.
Carlene White
Saturday, April 23, 2022
You may not realize it but those pigeons flying so poetically in front of the lens of a camera they're not there by accident.. If the film was made in Boston chances are I was somewhere in the background with pigeons all stuffed In my jacket. Ustabee...... 20 years ago, if a movie director called and needed pigeons next Thursday at 4:00 AM in Charlestown it was a fairly simple matter to ask my son in law to get me 100 pigeons underneath the bridge is on route 95 which is where they all slept I paid him a dollar a pigeon and it did not take him very long at all.
I would take them to Charlestown stuff them in my shirt wait till I was told to throw them in the air then probably they would make it back to whatever bridge they came from because pigeons are like that and I'd come home and take a shower with lice powder because pigeons are like that too.
Fast forward to maybe 10 years ago the animal rights people --------I am on both sides. of most animal questions----- and this one regarding pigeons----- I thought it was stretching the practical aspect of animal management and mismanagement ,,these pigeons started out. free living up and down route 95.. and I released them to a free living about 20 miles South on route 95.
this was determined to be cruel ------I certainly didn't want to be that so starting about 10 years ago all the pigeons that I used in commercials were banded ... that is they had little plastic ring around one leg with a number on it and the pigeon society wherever they are could tell whose pigeon that was so I was only to use banded pigeons -----which was no big deal---- but put my son-in-law out of business and I started borrowing or rather renting the homing pigeons from anyone in the area and it worked out very nicely.
the only hitch was I had to stop before I got to the location for shooting and check every bird.. and if I had any without a band I had to throw them in the air immediately and proceed with only banded ones ... usually..... whether they were banded or unbanded they got home before I did in Boston traffic.
A quick rundown on the price of pigeons 20 years ago when you caught pigeons and did whatever you wanted with them there was a market for live pigeons for I believe it was pregnant women.. From some specific country.. who's diet was supposed to contain pigeons which had recently been alive.. there was a dealer in Woburn who would buy leftovers from me for a dollar.. the same dollar I had paid my son-in-law to catch him in the first place. There was no shortage of pigeons.
And then there was the guy in north Beverly who raised racing pigeons and at nearly $1000 a bird -----he gave up teaching and went to pigeons for a good living....
Thus endeth the commercial photographing industry....
Friday, April 22, 2022
22, 2022 7:23 am |
Thursday, April 21, 2022
april 21
We need to get delorise - our mannequin-- out and dressed for the season and put somewhere along the driveway.. she does have a complete wardrobe somewhere a business suit in a briefcase and a few other changes.. she has a long history with us I think she is the one I bought and had it delivered in pieces. adjust the time when my two teenage nephew twins were here visiting so I gave them a job of putting the young lady together.. so I have some very funny mental images of the twins rushing about with arms and legs trying to put it together by mail call... and then there is Andy falling in the donkey stall a group of us were in the T10 and the phone rang or someone from Norway maybe saying that somebody had fallen in the tea and the donkey stall and was not getting up sure enough it was Annie. so I called 911 and ran up to open the gate so the ambulance could get through which they did and went past me I followed them and they pulled over to the tractor not the barn because somebody had left Dolores with just her legs showing from underneath the tractor so the ambulance assumed somebody had gotten run over by the tractor and that was the disaster such as crazy acres.
it's amazing to have Dolores standing there because every time I go to the bar and pass her in the morning she shocks me every time so it's time we got her out I hope someone will take care of that problem’’’ the other problem of the day is to takedown the chicken coop and pile up the materials so that we can reconfigure them .
rosie had a few visitors last night on camera.... there seems to be a hole just in her stall door... I hve a drt apt this morning.
I will try and hook up my car exhaust to that hole when I get back.. we had great success with that when we had the other run in with rats it does seem to work I also think it might be interesting to put the leaf blower in the hole let's see if there's another connecting hole somewhere else then we don't know about it so there's some experimenting to be done later
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
april 20 2022
te: | Wed, Apr 20, 2022 7:43 am |
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
april 19. teh 2 computer tango....it did not send it
Monday, April 18, 2022
April 18 2022
Next time I'm elected to run some town or another I have some changes I'd like to make...... I have a feeling.... that there are more dogs it Ipswich then there are children certainly the numbers might be approximate.. therefore every place in town where there is a playground there ought to be some sort of fenced area for a dog playground. And I could really get out of hand by saying there should be in the town hall with all the other town offices an animal information office... not stuck in the back corner of some parking lot or trash dump that's history. the animal information office should make it as easy as possible for a family to own a pet.. how many studies do you all have to read about the benefits of children owning animals before you bring up your town offices to match,
This animal information office.. should list all the animal related businesses in town.. or clubs.. particularly any dog training clubs run by the AKC... And of course get back to the fire department with a $2 rabies shot... It's no wonder that so many parents opt not to have a dog or any other animal purely on the basis of it's too difficult too complicated too expensive but somewhere in there you should have it's too detrimental to our children not to have an animal which I think is a proven fact. in my case,
I think my parents got me a dog so that I was not at the bottom of the pecking order as the youngest child. And then they carted me off. to dog training club one night a week.. as religiously as piano lessons. And we all know the outcome of that.
I would go further in my animal assistance office... in the town hall... they have several rooms there now where seniors can sit and stare at each other... or the black television screens for which I become famous.. why not take one of those rooms preferably a waterproof room which historically might have been the boys locker room... and make that into a dog bathing room with a lot of chairs because it really is often very entertaining to watch anybody try and bathe their dog -----so put some extra chairs there maybe a coffee pot and I'm sure somebody would bring Donuts to watch people struggle trying to give a Great Dane a bath.. it is possible for people to provide their own entertainment by having to do some things slightly out of the ordinary.. you could book it ahead of time... come to the town hall and watch xxxxx try and bathe yyyyy. we could have our own show....
my guess is that it might be fun to drink coffee and watch someone try and work the noodle/spaghetti. producing machine... ,, Maybe two men one machine and one set of directions.. could I entertain you for 1/2 an hour.. Johnny Carson didn't need that many props to entertain anybody for half an hour.
Now that I've said that... maybe I should try and make some noodles tonight at mail call 5:00 o'clock.. my problem with mail call is that it's the end of a very tiring day usually starting about 4:00 AM but today I'm gonna try and take a nap so I can do noodles.
does that make it a noodle nap?
Sunday, April 17, 2022
april 17 2022
Saturday, April 16, 2022
late... that not news....:(
Friday, April 15, 2022
april 15 2022i had larkey and moira at. IRA TOYOTA YESTERDAY creating a general havic of people wanting to meet her and pat her... she was the perfect lady... and lackey was the goofey friendly. so we made it ... no problems....he/they are to pick her up today and we will see if she can keep up george;s perfect reputation in woburn.... along with a collar and leash... i need to give them the usual.... you give them a happy life and when it is over, it is over....
hmmmmmmm how can i meld that into tomorrows news article??? come join us-- there is always laundry to fold too....
Thursday, April 14, 2022
april 14
You do realize I have about 7 years of a daily noise report midnight to 6 am,,, Done so beautifully by lynne michieli from ? novascotia.?? ...wellllll I got looking at it and I noticed that the Roosters we're pretty regular in their first crowing of the day at about 5 am..
if you would like the exact numbers as I know so many of you do on April 16th of 2017 the rooster started at 507 and then as we go along daily 5.21 5.37 3 point 47 three point 5. 5.11 5.19 four point 51 four point 56 I don't know how you're gonna read that but you get the picture and then all of a sudden in November of 2020 Mr rooster starts in 1.11 then 12.46 then 1.43 1.53 etc So what on earth could have caused Mr rooster in November to change his pattern... I went so far as to go back to trying to figure out if it was November versus April and from all I found about early Roosters crowing seemed to involve sunrise so I checked sunrise and in April it was six o'clock and in November it was 6.38 hardly enough to make a 3 hour difference in Mr Roosters habits......
Having once got started on that I wondered what else her daily noise report could show me and I ended up with what I think is very significant numbers of weird things the first bunch I would call the time frame for the clanks and bangs for a month before other quite specific noises started in in December 2020... how odd.....
So I kept going with a timeline of activities here at crazy acres running from 1979 when we built the house and barn 2 problems like the COV epidemic my electrocution --when cameras were put in ---, when they dug holes for partridgeberry development --- And anything else I could think of... and it is very interesting how certain occurrences shall we call them........ line up with the various noises that Lynne documented so very carefully.. ..like donkey braying..... Interesting....
That's what I was doing and it was hard to break the concentration.
But now I'm done the weather is breaking and it's going to be very difficult to keep me inside.
I think that we should give up on the grass around the TP and make that sandbox so if I get around to it today I'm gonna try and dig that up and get it in the dump trailer..
all of that will be dependent on what on earth is on the back of my new 4 runner----- it does look to me like there is a hitch a trailer hitch already there but I'm not sure if it's the heavy duty kind on which I am so dependent for things like horse trailers it must be at any rate that's my first problem of the day... what I might do is load up or arya or whatever her name is with the last one was larkey it was good and then I could drive down to the Toyota dealer and look for the service manager and get his opinion on what kind of hitch do I do have on that truck now hopefully it's a there's a horse trailer type ------2 inch or something. If that's true I could hook up that big heavy trailer through the poor little 4 runner and jiggle it around it best we can.
So much for the plan of the day.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Monday, April 11, 2022
--i think i finally thought of a dog fest theme.... got to run it "by the board"
does anyone happen to have a retired people mover like this one.. we got alot of use out of it...
the adult dogs are bailey.... and i think thumper is. the black... i don't recognise the merle.....and the litter of all blacks?????
Saturday, April 9, 2022
april. 9 2022
The other trick (my vet raises Danes) is to use a plastic syringe casing from a 60 cc syringe. With a hack saw, cut off the case above the tapered end to the length you want from the flared end. (6-8" or so is usually enough.) Shave the tail to the skin, put a round of Elastikon on it, then put the tail thru the tube with its cut end first, towards the dog's butt. Slide way up the tail, put a light bandage on the stump or injured tail end (one that will fit under the case), slide the case down over it and tape the cut end of the tube to the piece of Elastikon on the tail. The dog can't get to it, it can't whack the bandage, just the case, easy to replace if they crack it. Easy to change the dressing, and some dogs don't even need an e-collar with it on.
Also, a 5 gallon bucket can be modified to make a great e-collar, attached to a flat nylon collar. So much easier for the dog to get around than with the huge flared e-collar. I have a picture of the one I made--and still use--if you want to see it.
Just my $.02 from the West Coast!
Friday, April 8, 2022
april 8 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
april 7 2022